King's Business - 1954-06

I t’ s B ynam ite By Lee Roberson

The Basis of the P rem illenn ia l fa ith By Charles Caldwell Ryrie

M ann ers and Custom s of B ib le Lands By Fred H. Wight

The dynamic pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee, p rea ch ed these twelve “ Gospel sermons that helped build the greatest soul-winning church in the world.” Incisive, clear, challeng­ ing—these sermons will carry convic­ tion to the reader’s heart. 130 pages; boards; Sword of the Lord Publish­ ers, Wheaton, 111.; $1.50. A popular English preacher pre­ sents some very practical observations on the prayer life for earnest believ­ ers. Various aspects of prayer are dis­ cussed—such as the habits and habi­ tat of prayer, the pattern and scope of prayer, and the problem of prayer. While these are familiar paths in books on prayer, a freshness of ap­ proach characterizes these messages. Many brief suggestive outlines are included. A good brief bibliography on prayer concludes the book. 125 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. The five chapters of this work ap­ peared separately in various Chris­ tian periodicals such as K in g ’ s B usi ­ ness , M oody M o n t h l y and E t e r n it y . They present important phases of the believer’s experience, both subjective and objective. The pathways of pray­ er, knowledge, faith, consecration and service aptly present the Scriptural secret of the power-filled life. Young Christians as well as mature believers will find their experience enriched in using their Bibles with this book. 160 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $ 2 . 00 . n o w I Can M a k e P ra y e r M o r e E ffective By Herbert Lockyer Pa thw a ys to P ow e r By Merrill F. Unger

Here is a discussion of the foun­ dations of the doctrine of the pre­ millennial return of Christ. The quo­ tations in the section on historical premillennialism are culled to some extent from secondary sources, but the review is worthwhile. Other bases are found in hermeneutics, the Abra- hamic, Davidic, and New Covenants, in ecclesiology, and in eschatology (the relationship between the tribu­ lation and the millennium). The book provides an excellent introduction to premillennial truth, conceived as it is upon an orderly presentation of the material. The Scripture index will be useful to the user. 160 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, New York; $2.50. The L ord o f the H a rv est By S. Franklin Logsdon These sixteen sermons have been subtitled The Manifestation and the Ministration of the H oly Spirit. The messages are devotional and horatory, not doctrinal, and are full of sugges­ tion and illustration. They will be found to be' true to the Word of God in every respect. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing. House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. The M a ste r ’s Indwelling By Andrew Murray The author was Scottish in back­ ground, a minister of the Dutch Re­ formed Church in South Africa. His books on the deeper spiritual life have been a blessing to countless thousands. This is a reprint of a series of messages delivered at the Northfield Conference in 1895; they show from the Scriptures how the carnal Christian may pass from the defeat of self to victory in Christ through moment-by-moment yielded- ness to Him. 180 pages; cloth; Zon­ dervan Publishing House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $2.50.

This carefully planned and execut­ ed work will be welcomed by pastors and Bible students. It covers every phase of life and work in Palestine during Bible days. The Scripture ref­ erences are numerous and the Scrip­ ture index makes them immediately accessible to the reader. The chapters are well footnoted, and both contem­ porary and older authors are cited. The bibliography is one of the most complete to appear on manners and customs in ancient Palestine. This book will be used often by its owner and with great profit. The author was a student at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles before his university and seminary days. 336 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $4.00. Mrs. Nicholson’s poems have brought comfort, blessing and strength to countless thousands. Her autobiog­ raphy will be welcomed by all who have been so blessed. Most of the book relates the story of her child­ hood, high school, and early college days in and near Tacoma, Washing­ ton. The reader had best prepare himself to be alternately howling with laughter and holding back tears. The subject’s facility of expression and imagination (she frequently re­ ports the remarks of her guardian angel) is delightful. The later years of suffering and writing will encour­ age the faint-hearted to renewed de­ pendence upon Martha Snell Nichol­ son’s Saviour. Few books have brought more blessing to the reviewer. 192 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. These books were first published by the author, afterward (Anglican) Archbishop of Dublin, over a hundred years ago, and have ever since been standard works in their fields. These reprints are unabridged — the foot­ notes are complete and form a valu­ able feature of both volumes. Thirty- three miracles and 30 parables of Christ are carefully dealt with here. The reader will not look for dispen- sational distinctions in these books, but they are to be highly recom­ mended. 517, 518 pages; cloth; Flem­ ing H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $3.75 each. B is Banner O v e r M e By Martha Snell Nicholson N o tes on the M ira cles o f Our Lord N o tes on the Parab les o f Our Lord By Richard C. Trench

Hawaiian Cruise Use this coupon for ad on inside ba ck cover Dr. James T. Martin, Pastor Chevy Chase Baptist Church 1209 E. Garfield, Glendale 5, Calif. Please send complete details regarding the Hawaiian Bible Study Cruise. PLEASE PRINT: Name................................................................................................. .......................





JUNE 1954

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