King's Business - 1954-06


Learning on the Beach



Out where the W e s t meets the blue Pacific they’ ve been holding

some ruther unusual clusses right on the sand ---- for 24 gears O n a stretch of beach near Los Angeles a couple of Christian teachers have been holding a mis­

trunks. With him was a friendly­ looking, long-eared spaniel. After listening a while the boy told one of the teachers, “ That sounds good to me.” He accepted Christ and when he was given a Gospel of John he sat right down on the sand and start­ ed reading it. (See photo next page). The mission was started and has been maintained all these years by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hooker of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For

the Hookers it’s a faith work. Each summer, for the three-week duration of the mission, a home is provided for the Hookers and student teachers from the Institute. A local milkman furnishes free milk, a grocer gives some food. And so it goes until all the need is met. “ This work helps us understand how George Mueller carried on,” says Mrs. Hooker. MORE ^

sion for the sunbathing set for 24 years. And the results are sometimes amazing. Over the years literally hundreds have been led to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Typical of those finding Christ is a lad who was wandering on the beach last summer. He had a butch haircut and wore a pair of red and white swimming

This is a typical scene at the mission for the suntan set Tield each summer on West coast beaches.

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