QVIS LED BROCHURE - R4 JUNE 23 -27-6-2024


SensorSmart Emergency Lighting Testing Our standalone emergency lighting testing (ELT) solution provides a new level of automation and wireless convenience. Suitable both for dedicated emergency lighting and combined / dual-function emergency luminaires, this low-maintenance testing

feature delivers full regulatory compliance through our Bluetooth mesh wireless system.


Our ELT service comes with intuitive commissioning tools that can be used for ELT scheduling and reporting purposes, but also to implement other lighting control strategies – from occupancy sensing and daylight harvesting to precise lighting control. Emergency luminaires and standard luminaires are all part of the same network and can be managed from the same apps. One Solution For All Your Lighting Needs

The ELT feature was designed to minimise hardware requirements and provide a seamless commissioning experience. It doesn’t require a gateway since tests are autonomously executed by the devices themselves. Outstanding End-User Value

Our emergency lighting testing service is compliant with European emergency lighting regulations, DALI-2 Part 202 specification, and the globally interoperable Bluetooth Mesh standard. Regulatory Compliance

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