King's Business - 1911-11

items that pass the censorship of Roman experts. The " N e w York Observer," that fearless defender of the truth of God, says in its issue of Sept. 12th: " T h e Roman Catholic Church is the same despotism today that it was in the Middle Ages. There are some people who delude themselves with the idea that they can reform Rome. The Romish Church maiy be overturned, but it cannot be re- formed. This is not to say that there are not good people who are Roman Catholics, just as there are good Greek Catholics and Armenian Gregorians; but the Romish sys- tem is wrong, positively wicked. I t is a tyranny from first to last, and, so far from representing Jesus Christ, the Pope usurps His rightful place.

hierarchy are ceaselessly planning for the dominion of the world. Having lost con- trol in Europe, where its fruit is infidelity, superstition, socialism and anarchy, it now seeks the reins of power in America. Long ago they managed to have all histories that told the naked facts about Roman persecutions eliminated from our Public Schools. They already have the most of the daily papers under control. But they have recently formed an organization to supersede " T h e Associated P r e s s" to gather and distribute the news of the world. Tney have prevailed upon some of the great daily papers to dismiss the As- sociated Press and to accept the " c o o k e d"

tëive ^our T i f e to (Bob.

James H. McConkey 'I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice."—Rom. 12: 1.

" B y the mercies of God." What does that mean? I t is like this. One evening you are walking quietly home from your place of business. Suddenly the fire alarm rings out; your heart leaps with fear as the thought of home and loved ones flashes upon you. As you near home your worst fears are realized; your house is in flames. You rush thither and find that wife and the children have been saved, except one little one who is in the building. The next instant a brave fire- man hurries past and dashing into the burning house, finds his way to the little one, carries her out through the flames and smoke, and puts her in your arms— safe. Weeks go by, and then one day this same brave man comgs to you and showing his hands, says, "Behold my love and mercies to you.. See these burned and blistered hands; see this scarred face, and these scorched feet. I am in need. 1 . Chesterfield dining with Yoltair and some of his infidel friends, was asked by Madame C.: " I hear that five hundred or six hundred of the brightest men in the English parliament are Christians?" "Ye s, ma d ame ," he admitted. " W h y do

beseech you, by my mercies to your child that you help m e . " There is nothing in the world you would not give to that man, even unto the half of your kingdom. Even so, Jesus Christ, our loving Lord, stands here tonight. He stretches forth His hands, pierced with cruel nails for you and me. He points to the wound in His side, made by the blood-thirsty spear. He shows you the scars on His forehead, made by the crown of thorns. He says, " M y child, behold My mercies to you. I saved you from the guilt of sin; I brought you from death unto life; I gave you the Spirit of God. Some day I will glorify jj your body and will make you to sit down with Me on My throne. My child, by My mercies, I beseech you.'? You say, " L o r d, what do you want from m e ? " He answers, " I want yourself. I want you for My kingdom, and My service. 1 beseech you, by My mercies to you, give your life to Me . " they tolerate so great an absurdity as the Christian religion?" said she. " I suppose,"; Teplied Chesterfield, " b e c a u se they ,have not been able to substitute any- thing better in its stead. When they are able I do not doubt that they readily w i l l ,"

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