King's Business - 1911-11

VI. PRINCIPLES TO BE LEARNED. 1. "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." 2. Obedience to God is life, disobedience is death, whether of nations or individuals. 3. God rules and makes all things work out His own purpose. 6. The glory of God is the chief end of man; the pursuit of it his prosperity; the achievement of it his glory now and for- ever-. Oimel^ Oopics for Roving Jpeople * tÔ?. "ÜJ. <£. ^Horton Lesson XLVIIL—Dec. 3d. THE CRUCIFIXION. Jno. 19:16-42. 4. God fulfills all His threats and prom- ises. 5. God raises up ar(d casts down kings and empires.

The first picture in this chapter is that of the Saviour smitten, scourged and sen- tenced. That includes all that occurred on that awful night preceding His crucifixion. We are told that our Lord went forth of His own volition. It was a voluntary act of His own will—the only power that eouid lake Him to the cross was the power of'Kib own love for lost men. He went forth as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. Golgotha was the place of -the execution of the common criminals. Everywhere were the scattered skull3 which King Death had left as evidence < f his triumph; a fit place for the King to

We come now to the supreme tragedy in the world's history—the crucifixion of the Christ of God. We are not worthy to stand in the presence of this Man as He hangs bleeding and dying upon the cross; how much more unworthy are we to attempt to make an exposition of the Scripture which tells us this sad but sacred story. The leader must select from the material such portion as can be conveniently used. The themes are so many and so varied t h at only a brief suggestion can be made of some of them. The order of events is as follows: (1) Jesus bearing the cross. (2) Simon bearing the cross. (4) Jesus speaks to the weeping women—"Daughters." (4) The place Gol- gotha. (5) He is nailed to the cross be- tween two thieves. (6) First words from the cross, "Father, forgive," voice of pardon. (7) The placing of the title of Pilate. (S) Controversy between Pilate and the chiei priests. (9) Soldiers dividing His garments. (10) The people mocking, also chief priests and soldiers. (11) Conversation with the penitent thief. Second word, "Today." Voice of salvation. (12) Jesus and His mother. Third word, "Woman." Voice of affection. (13 Great darkness. Fourth word, "My God." Voice of anguish. (14) Fifth word, "X thirst." Voice of suffering. (15) Sixth word, "It is finished." Voice of victory. (16) Seventh word, "Father." Voice of res- ignation. (17) Miraculous events in and around Jerusalem. (18) Testimony of the centurian and others. (19) Piercing of Hit body. (20) His burial.

Lesson XLIX.—Dec. 10th.


The death of Jesus linked two men in- separably—Joseph and Nicodemus. Together they called for the sacred body of the Sou of God and tenderly laid Him away in a new tomb, thus fulfilling the Scriptures (Isa. 53:9). • It was an awful day for Pilate, who car- ried with him - a guilty conscience, a re- membrance of his depraved and Cruel weak-

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