King's Business - 1911-11

The lesson today centers in Mary Magda- lene, out of whom the Saviour cast seven devils (Luke 8:2). She, with the rest of the healed women, accompanied Him on one of His tours throughout the cities and vil- lages of Galilee (Luke 8:1-3). They were also with Him on His last journey to Jerusa- lem (Matt. 27:55), and stood afar off behold- ing His crucifixion. Mary sat over against the sepulchre until the body of the Lord was laid away (Mark 15:47). While the Apostles fled from fear, Mary lihgered while her eyes rested upon the sacred spot. The hearts of the women were occupied with the dead Christ and the proper prep- aration of His body, for He had been hastily taken to the tomb. They longed to perform the last sad ministry and so had purchased the spice and ointments for His embalming (LiUke 23:56; Mark 16:1). They rested upon the Sabbath day, and We can imagine they spent the day in recounting the wonderful words and works of the loved one who to them, was now gone forever, x. Y,? ry ® arly o n the morning of the Sab- bath, Mary and the other women repaired to the tomb. As they went, they were full of questioning concerning the great stone which the soldiers had rolled against the We have in Mary Magdalene an Illustra- tion of a devoted heart, Mary loved her Lord. First you have the look of l o v e- watching at the sepulchre when they laid the Lord away. Next you have the loyalty of love— waiting at the tomb for the break of day, while others slept; and then you have the life of love— wedded in heart to her lord. With Mary it was no sentimental effusion, for to live was Christ (Phil. 1:20). following her message to the disciples about the empty tomb, she returned. She does not know where else to go or what else to do; there She saw Him last and there she lingers. The appearance of the two angels did not satisfy her; with tear-blinded eyes she vents her deep sorrow, "they have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid Him." This deep devotion seems to have drawn the Lord to her side, to reveal Himself be- fore He intended to. She did not rcognize Him. She did not calculate her straight tell me where thou hast laid Him and I will take Him away." There is nothing more tender in all Scripture than this won- derful picture of the Son of God in His resurrection body speaking the name of ' the woman whose heart He had won— Mary"? She recognized Him. ( Now you get a lesson of love witnessing. Touch He not—I am ascending on my way to my Father and your Father, my God arid your God." He had not yet presented His blood offering in the Holy of Holies. He is the High Priest on the Wav to the Mercy Seat. When He has finished His priestly work He will descend and permit the women to clasp His feet (Matt. 28:9). JESUS APPEARS TO HIS FOLLOWERS Jno 20:11-23.

opening of the sepulchre and which had been sealed with the seal of the government. Great was Mary's surprise to find the stone already rolled away, not that the Lord might pass out, for in His resurrection body He needed no door of egress (Jno. 19:20), but that the women might pass in. God had His eye upon the good women and knew their need. He knows our limitations and will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He removes obstacles in the way of our service for Him and He opens doors of access for doing His good will. .„The race of Peter and John for, the tomb illustrates the character of the two men. John was the younger and outran his com- rade, but ne was also the more reverent one and hestitated about entering the tomb. Peter the impetuous rushed into the tomb and found the testimony of the Lord's resur- rection. The linen cloth in which His body had been wrapped was there in shape Of a great cocoon out of which His body had slipped; the napkin which had been upon His face was carefully laid aside in a Sep- arate place. What a lesson concerning the care of little things which have to do with our Lord. Every detail in the lesson is so natural and logical that it would require great incredulity to doubt its truthfulness. spiritual realm, a new relation not after the flesh. Finally we have the law of love working. Go tell My disciples. Only those who know Jesus as the resurrected Lord can bear testimony. That same night when the doors were shut for fear of the Jews, He stood in the midst of His disciples. He spoke the word of peace to them. No doors can keep Him out, when the hearts are longing for Him. He shewed them His hands and His side, blessed evidences of sacrificial work and proof that He is the same Jesus. "Then were they glad"—and so will every one be glad who is drawn by those hands to that side. There He commissioned them as Mission- aries of the Cross. "So send I you." The following first day of the week He came again and reproved the unbelief of Thomas and drew from him that remark- able testimony, "My Lord and my God." We have but a glimpse of the many things which the Lord did after His resurrection, but these are written to Inspire belief in Him as the Son of God. The proof of the resurrection is found in the Word of God, the Lord's Day, the Church, the Lord's Ta- ble and the presence of the Holy Spirit. The resurrection established: (1) The Pre- eminence of Christ. He is God, Jno. 8:58. (2) The yerity of the Scripture, Luke 24: 44-46; Matt. 20:19. (3) The Power of .Christ, Jno. 10:18; 2 Tim. 1:10. (4) The Perpetuity of Personality, His body, Jno. 2:19; 11:25, 26. (5) The position of believers, "My God and your God—My Father and your Father," Brethren. The tomb is the birth- place of belief, 1 Cor. 15:34; Acts 2:24; 1 Pet. 1:3, 4. Now He lifts Mary to a higher level of love and devotion. He lifts her into a

Lesson L.—Dec. 17th.

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Lesson LI.—Dec. 24th.

JESUS AND THE FISHERMEN. Jno. 21:1-14. The closing words of Chapter 20 give us the reason for the writing of this wonder- ful gospel. "These are written that yo might believe that Jesus is the Christ,

the Son of. - God." Tens of thousands of copies of this gospel have b e ta distributed, eac-h one carrying with it the indisputable proof of the- Deity of Christ.: The twenty-first chapter is supplemental and gives us many fruitful lessons T h.

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