King's Business - 1911-11

We want special prayer at this time for our beloved President, Mr. Lyman Stew- art, who has been quite ill, but whom God is graciously restoring. Pray for a com- plete restoration and for the abundant blessing of God upon him.

The avenues for work are past comput- ing. Our weekly conference and prayer is a source of strength and encouragement, for we realize that the work cannot be done by human might or power. Our parlor classes are constantly branch- ing out into unexpected duties, but by these calls souls are aroused to a new re- lation to Jesus Christ, whom they perhaps may have formally confessed, but to whom they had never surrendered. The visitation and class work especially among the young people, has been exceed- ingly f r u i t f ul during thè past few months. We have had entrance into many new sec- tions, calls for much conference work, and elaims for personal attention which has already redounded to the glory of our Lord. We will be glad to send our little prayer pamphlet to those who desire to be enrolled among our intercessors. Pray for the building that God may sup- ply every need and give wisdom for ev- ery detail in connection with the same. Elliott Barrett, assisted by his new as- sociate. leader in song, held meetings dur- ing October. They are to be in Santa Barbara in November. Mr. George Hunter has a new class in the Y. M. C. A. in Pasadena and one in Hemet. He is giving much time to the work in connection with tl^e Correspond- ence Course. Messrs. Zimmerman and Isbell are hold- ing the fort in our Chapel in the southern part of the city and the work is progress- ing favorably. We look for blessed re- sults from this work. We want 500 students for our Corre- spondence Course. Pray that we may be put in touch with t.hose who would be glad to ; avail themselves of this great op- portunity for the study of the Word.

Mrs. Neth has been much blessed in her ministry in San Jose and near towns and brings us f u J reports. She returns to the work in Los Angeles.

Mr. Huling has an important work at Terminal Island. He holds thfr only serv- ice held upon the island and is being greatly used of God. The appreciation of his work by the people is being prac- tically demonstrated. There are large numbers of lumbermen in the parish and the field is a very hopeful one. We regret to record the continued ill- ness of Mis3 Lillian M. Wood. Her physicians give her no encouragement for resuming her work at a near date. We bespeak prayer in her behalf, that she may be enabled after a few months of abso- lute rest to take up the work so en- deared to her. It has been a hard trial to have such a helper laid aside, but we are forced to believe it one of the " a l l things that work for good." THE OIL FIELD WOBK. We are in constant receipt of letters from people residing in the oil fields, com- mending the good work of Messrs Sloan and Oliri. Many are being reached with the Gospel through the intelligent, self- sacrificing work of? these faithful servants of God. The work should have a large place in the hearts of our intercessors. A daily prayer meeting is held in the Jnstitute each noon. An opportunity is given to those who have the time to join us in our supplication for God's blessing, upon the work. Mr. W. E. Blackstone, our beloved Di- rector, who is now in China on a mission of tremendous import to that great field, writes encouragingly of the work He is being permitted to place millions of por-

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