King's Business - 1911-11

FOLLOWING BOOKS IN UNIFORM CLOTH COVER 50 CENTS EACH NET? Christ and the Scriptures-. i ' : ! ; 'T)r. Adolph Saphir Shows the way in which our Lord honored and used the Old Testament Scriptures. Divine Unity of Scripture. Adolph Saphir The organic connection of all the books of the Bible is proved in this unique work. The Sinner and the Saviour. Adolph Saphir Records of conversions in the Acts, etc. The Lord from Heaven ......:. t ... Sir Robert Anderson Chapters on the Deity of Christ. The Bishop of Durham says: "The author handles this great theme with a penetra- tion and force all his own." The Higher Criticism and New Theology... ........... R. A. Torrey Chapters on the Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus, the history of the Higher Criticism, Christ and Criticism, the testi- mony of the monuments, the inspiration of the Bible, the Virgin Birth. The Prophet Daniel, a Key to his prophecies and Visions..... i . - ......... — A. C. Gaebelein This is a splendid exposition of these wondrous prophecies and is strongly commended by Dr. C. I. Scofield and others. The Growing Church • - ,', ...„...:.,„..„...—,,-,..^.Cleland B. McAfee A Typical growing Church, the Separation of the Church, the Changed Life of the Converts, the Perils and Safe- guaids, etc. Divine Art of A. T. Pierson These lectures were delivered to the Pastors College, Lon- don (Spurgeons), by the distinguished author and are spe- cially helpful to all who talk or preach. God's Gospel and God's Righteousness.........I.. ............. .....Philip Mauro An interesting exposition of the first six chapters of Ro- mans, the Gospel Section,of the Epistle. This great argu- ment is effectively elaborated by this brilliant lawyer-ex- positor. This last named book will be ready about the last of December.

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