King's Business - 1911-11


"Emblems of the Holy Spirit" is the title of an entirely new book by F. E. Marsh, author of 500 Bible Readings. Great- est Theme in the World, etc. The various emblems of the Holy Spirit used in Scripture reveal in a remarkable way the different offices of the third person of the Trinity. Attractive cloth binding -•;-.. ; \ '• ; $1.00 (Not postpaid.) The Greatest Theme in the World. F. E. Marsh. Cloth .75 The atonement work of our Lord is here expounded in illuminating chapters. Of especial help to Bible students. (Not postpaid.) God and Me. By Peter Ainslie. Is a brief manual of the Prin- ciples that make for a Closer Relationship of the Believer with God. Attractively bound in white cloth _...25 Special for the Holidays. (Not postpaid.) Dr. Arthur T. Pierson's "Knowing the Scriptures" may be bought in our Book Room at a greatly reduced price. This book should be in the possession of every Bible Student in the country. It is the last of Dr. Pierson's great works, and is the result of fifty years of Bible Study. Reduced from $1.50 tn ' • :..•) ' $1.00 (Postpaid.) By I. M. Haldeman, D. D.—How to Study the Bible $1.50 (Postpaid.) The Coming of Christ. Pre-Millennial and Imminent. $1.00 (Postpaid.) The Christian's Present Duty. By C. C. Cook. Price........ .10 Two things of importance are brought out in this book- let: "The Proclamation of God's Revealed Plan for this Age and the Evangelization of the World." Mark 16:15. BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute South 260-264 Main St., Los Angeles, Cal.

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