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National Nursing Week
Nurses are the heartbeat OF HEALTH CARE
MAY 12 TO 18, 2014
I am a leader in healthcare
The organization of the healthcare system in Canada relies heavily on the competence and training of registered nurses. These men and women are leaders in practical medicine, relentlessly advocating for better policy making, better care, and better services. It is no surprise, then, that during National Nursing Week, the Canadian Nurses Association is once again promoting the theme “Nursing: a leading force for change”. The women and men who make up Canada’s nursing forc- es are indeed leaders in their field. They staff public health clinics in communities all across the country; they are on the front lines of medical care, working to prevent communicable disease, such as STDs, educate mothers and fathers about infant care, and ensure that young children are properly vaccinated against preventable illnesses. Under the auspices of Health Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, about 675 registered nurses provide primary
healthcare in about 200 remote healthcare centres, along with only 22 doctors. These nurses are often required to make split-second decisions with no on-site medical backup; such decisions can sometimes mean life or death for the people involved. There is little doubt; these nurses are truly the face of leadership in medicine today.
The Canadian NursesAssociation highlights the role of nur- ses in healthcare leadership with these nursing pledges: I help maintain dignity and quality of life I influence health policy I work as part of a team to deliver better care I show people how they can live a healthy life I go where I am needed
Jim McDonell MPP Stormont-Dundas- South Glengarry
Let’s honour the professionalism of our nurses
Let us be thankful of the work done by our nurses Soyons reconnaissants du travail des infirmiers et infirmières.
Rendons hommage au professionnalisme de
Guy Lauzon , député Stormont-Dundas- Glengarry Sud
Working for you
nos infirmiers et infirmières
621, rue Pitt, Cornwall ON K6J 3R8 Tél. : 613 937-3331 • Téléc. : 613 937-3251 636, rue St-Lawrence, Winchester ON 141, rue Main, Morrisburg ON BUREAUX DE CIRCONSCRIPTION 1-888-805-2513 • info@guylauzon.ca www.guylauzon.ca Rendons hommage aux infirmières et infirmiers pour leurs bon soins!
Je travaille pour vous
120 Second Street West, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 1G5 T. 613 933-6513 F. 613 933-6449 Morrisburg & Winchester: 1 800 514-9660 Let's celebrate their caring! Célébrons leurs bons soins!
André Rivette Councillor / Conseiller arivette@cornwall.ca 613 930-3045
Dave Murphy Councillor / Conseiller dmurphy@cornwall.ca 613 362-1716
jim.mcdonellco@pc.ola.org www.jimmcdonellmpp.ca
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