The Lakes South Morang College - Issue 10


Hello all,

Like many of you are probably thinking, it is hard to believe we are at the half year school holidays already – where has this year gone?!?

As I write this, School Council is excited to see the work commence on the new Primary Synthetic Basketball Court and acknowledge the work that Marcus Abney - Hastings has done in the background. It is also great to hear some positive feedback from parents/carers and the community regarding the building and grounds work the College has and will continue to invest in, to make our College safe, inviting and refreshed for families currently enrolled and potential new families looking to join our College.

In other news, at School Council ’ s most recent meeting on 11 th June, we:

• Were given an overview by Bek Sutton of her new role and how Disability Inclusion and Wellbeing works in our College;

• Acknowledged and congratulated the efforts of the College ’ s Facilities Manager, Vera Mukavec who has both led the communications and work on school facilities and the outstanding result using the AIMS platform;

• Endorsed to formally thank Jason Nocen from PDS Garage Doors P/L for the supply and installation of the Primary Campus boom gate;

• Approved and endorsed a new whole - of - school Fundraising/Sponsorship Policy;

Spoke about:

th June

the upcoming Cancer Council fundraising day on 20

• potentially increasing the purchase of gifts for next year ’ s Mother ’ s Day/ Father ’ s Day stall due selling out at last month ’ s Mother ’ s Day stall. Will also look to include the Collingwood English Language Centre and Merriang SDS to be a part of the day

• Road Safety around both Primary and Secondary Campuses and the upcoming Police Road blitz in the last week of Term

As always, if you have any issues, ideas, questions that you would like raised at our next Council meeting, or any other support, we are more than happy to hear from families so please feel free to send an email to Council meets twice per term on a Tuesday at 5:30pm and visitors and observers are always welcome!

Enjoy the two - week break!

Grant Voss

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