FACILITIES PLANNING COMMITTEE Welcome back all owners to our beautiful resort which I think looks stunning this year! I would like to thank the Facility Planning Committee members: M ARSHA N ELSON , A LICE H EUPLE , C HARLES S TINSON , J UDY J URACH , S HERYL N ELSON , K ATIE T ARABOCIA , C AROLYN C ANDLER and D ENNY B LOOM for looking out for the best interests of our resort facility projects. I would like to thank D ENNY B LOOM , who is leaving the committee, for his contributions the last 4 years. His expertise in commercial developments has been an asset to the committee and his insight has been highly valued. He was instrumental in the renovation of the Owner’s Lounge and patio, bar, billiards and multi-purpose room which is so beautiful and is now a high use area for owners to enjoy and is much appreciated. Our resort has benefited from D ENNY ’ S contributions and his good common sense. Due to D ENNY ’ S departure we now have a position available on the committee so if you are interested in serving please contact me or one of our committee members. Over the summer some of the projects that have taken place to our facilities are: El Saguaro pool deck renovation. El Saguaro shade structure installation. El Saguaro landscaping update. Pickleball court expansion and shade structure in- stallation. Tennis Complex breezeway and shade structure installation. The facility planning committee has recently met this month and is reviewing our prioritization for some of the projects needed in the upcoming years. These projects include: La Palma Pool Deck renovation and the Tennis Center completion. El Saguaro kitchen Chef Wall upgrade for a new hood system and new equipment. Our committee is also reviewing projects for some of the following needs for our resort for signage, land- scape, furniture needs, window coverings, security shack needs, and ES dance floor. Our next committee meeting on Dec. 6 at 2PM is in the East room. Any and all interested owners are invited to attend.
WEDNESDAYS AT LA PALMA 6:30PM Early Bird Bingo 7PM Regular Bingo Games end around 9PM
Popcorn by donation and fun for free
Paper pack of 10 games $6 Early Bird sheets $1 each Intermission game $1 each Candy & soda pop available
We NEED Volunteers! Callers (we like to have 2 callers per night) Game verifiers (we need 2 per game) Ticket sellers (need at least 4 per night) Please call Sandy if you can help out! 951-236-3155 See you there!
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to B OB & M ICHELLE M OORE . Michelle has managed the BINGO for 9 years! She has dedicated her time and energy and provided leadership and fun for so
many. Bob is usually at her side and often pitches in as the Caller and any other jobs that need doing. After many years of dedication they are turning over the apron strings to S ANDY H OLQUIN . Bob and Michelle have also facilitated the Saturday Ice Cream Socials for the last 9 years. It’s time to give them a break! Thank YOU Both! Now Go have fun!
760 7709133 Emergency Calls Accepted We Care For People, Not Just Injuries Ask about our Decompression Therapy
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