Salvia 2022 PPL Solution No 7

LINER-BILITY ® I N T R O D U C I N G 7 2 w e e k s f o r e c a s t e d


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Salvia is a diverse genus of plants bringing a variety of flower colors, habits and hardiness to any perennial assortment. With so many varieties available on the market, it can be a challenge to sort through which ones will work for your program.To help with this, we have focused on varieties best for perennial programs and have divided the genus into three categories: tender perennial types, woody stem types and hardy perennial types. Tender perennial types of Salvia can be hardy in southern areas of the country but in most areas they are not hardy.These Salvias have tropical bloodlines and boast big, bold, beautiful flowers and because of their fast growth, they still work great as summer annuals in areas where not hardy. Species included in this category are guaranitica, splendens and several hybrids.

Woody stem types of Salvia are classified as shrubs and subshrubs in warmer climates, as they never die back and form a woody base.These are generally hardier than the tender perennial types but still not hardy in all areas of the country. Species included in this category include greggii, microphylla, jamensis, leucantha and various crosses of these species. Hardy perennial types of Salvia are generally hardy throughout most of the US; they have a rosette, clumping growth habit and die back in the winter in most places or can be cut back. Species included in this category include nemorosa, pratensis and nemorosa crosses including x sylvestris.

Our Salvia are grown from both cuttings and seed. Lead times and tray sizes are as follows. Keep in mind this is the minimum time needed to produce product and is dependent on supplier availability, we encourage early booking for best selection.

s e e d e d va r i e t i e s

125 / 128 | 12 we ek s

v e g e tat i v e va r i e t i e s

* indicates from cuttings

125 / 128 | 10 we ek s

* indicates from seed

72 / 72 | 12 we ek s

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