One Source for Beekeepers
This Season’s Jobs With Ecrotek it’s easy to pick them off one at a time
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Splitting & queen rearing?
Check out our vented suits.
Need options for flexible venting, wasp & pest control, & moving?
Check for Varroa, and ask us about your treatment options.
Don’t let your bees go
hungry with our feeding options.
Whatever the season, you need beekeeping equipment that works best for you, and your bees. That’s why we specialise in proven products that do the job right, every time. Because we’re New Zealand’s biggest beekeeping supplier, we can help you pick off this season’s jobs to make your life just a little easier. Shop online at ecrotek.co.nz , visit our Auckland or Christchurch stores, or call us on 0800 11 77 66 .
South Island 6a Sheffield Cres, Burnside Christchurch 8542
North Island 15e Kerwyn Ave, East Tamaki Auckland 2013
P. 0800 11 77 66 W. ecrotek.co.nz E. info@ecrotek.co.nz
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