New Zealand Beekeeper May 2017



ApiNZ Chief Executive Karin Kos and Life Member Pauline Bassett flanked by Clare and Tane Bradley of AgriSea. Photo: Rachel Scrimgeour, AgriSea.

FAREWELL TO TERRY GAVIN Terry Gavin, a past president of the National Beekeepers Association and life member, passed away in Whangarei in April, aged 87. Contact details for Terry’s family are: Gavin Family PDC Private Bag, Titoki Whangarei 0172 Ph: 09 433 1893 or John: 021 408 450 Our condolences go out to the Gavin family and to his many friends in the industry. We will publish a remembrance of Terry’s life in an upcoming edition of the journal. Pat and Terry Gavin at the first New Zealand Apiculture Industry Conference, Wanganui, 2014. Photo: Frank Lindsay.

to get one shot at this and it’s important we get it right—that means being proactive and upfront with our views and concerns. It also means taking the time to put in your own submission through MPI. We know there will be challenges with implementing the definition. Our approach has been to look at solving those challenges in the best interests for the future of the New Zealand mānuka honey industry. The value of field days Over the last few months, I’ve been privileged to attend and speak at a number of field days organised by local hubs and which have attracted large numbers of people, mostly hobbyists and new beekeepers. I’ve been hugely impressed with the quality of the days, the speakers, the relevancy and practical

nature of the topics and the enthusiasm of passionate people willingly sharing their knowledge and wisdom. These field days present a great opportunity to meet and hear from members, get members on board and for the ApiNZ Hubs to showcase the industry in a positive and supportive light. At the ApiNZ Waikato Hub field day in Thames, I particularly enjoyed talking to a father and son about the career opportunities this industry presents, including our upcoming apprenticeship scheme. At times we hear about the negative aspects of our industry’s growth. However, if these field days are anything to go by, there’s certainly a lot of positives in being part of a dynamic primary industry, one that people want to be a part of, and get great enjoyment from, whether it’s their hobby or business.

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