Art Connection - Fall 2022

cathy sheeter:

Nature is my happy place. It is the place I go to decompress, find myself, and soothe my soul. There is something about being in nature that just centers me. When I can’t be out in nature, I like to surround myself with its beauty within my own artwork and other nature artists’ work. I have specifically had a connection with animals and wildlife since I was a small child. I suppose perhaps it is in my DNA. Both of my parents are animal lovers and my father was a wildlife biologist. Animals and nature have really been the only subject matter that I have ever truly wanted to create.


Of course, capturing the beauty of nature and expressing that through a work of art in a way that connects with others on an emotional level is often the most challenging part. It's a process of capturing just the right moment and determining how best to tell that story in a powerful way.

"Watch Over Your Shoulder" by Cathy Sheeter

david jackson:

One of the challenging things that I enjoy is how to capture the proper and most effective lighting to create the magic of the moment!

Barbara rudolph:

One of the most challenging things about portraying nature in my art, is also the most fun. I desire to capture a feeling or a fond memory by placing my birds into a fun and often unexpected place. The challenge is to work my birds into my composition to help tell a story. Some of the challenges of nature art is trying to do it justice. Nature is perfect so trying to capture that level of beauty in a drawing can feel daunting at times. I often combine many reference photos that I have taken in different locations into one artwork. Trying to make all the pieces work together (lighting, size, angles, etc.) can be a challenge. cathy sheeter:

"The Royal Garden" by Barbara Rudolph

drama of our sunsets is so hard to replicate in all their magnificence. -------------------------------- The challenge, incidentally, is also what reaps the greatest reward for these artists and the viewers. It's when the "magic" comes together on the canvas to create the feeling of being there. It's feeling the energy of wildlife or the warmth of the sun on your skin or the scent of the desert after rainfall. For these artists, when they see viewers transported to another place through their work, they know they've achieved what they set out to do.

"when someone connects with a painting...and it takes them to a different place...I love to take them on that journey." ~ Heidi Rosner

heidi rosner:

Capturing the spectacular colors and the light of the Sonoran desert. The

Issue 2 | Fall 2022

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