King's Business - 1953-08

S A L V A T IO N continued of the Old Testament prophets. A Hyde Park orator was denounc­ ing the feeble efforts of the Jews to resist the Roman oppression in the first century of the Christian era, and suggested that if they had appealed more to the sword and less to the The Principa l Cause T he principal cause of my leanness and unfruitfulness is owing to an unaccountable backwardness to pray. I can write or read or converse or hear with a ready heart; but prayer is more spiritual and in­ ward than any of these, and the more spiritual any duty is the more my carnal heart is apt to start from it. Prayer and patience and faith are never dis­ appointed. I have long since learned that if ever I was to be a minister, faith and prayer must make me one. When I can find my heart in frame and lib­ erty for prayer, everything else is comparatively easy. — Richard Newton. sacred writings, they might have fared better. One in the crowd asked, “ But where are the Romans today?” “ Nowhere,” was the quick answer. “And where are the Jews today?” “ Everywhere,” was the sar­ castic but true reply to the evident appreciation of the hearers. Yes, it was those sacred writings which in­ dicated the preservation of the na­ tion and people of Israel and also foretold of the glorious coming salva­ tion to be brought to them by the Messiah, the Son of David. In the second place, salvation is of the Jews In Its Presentation All too often it is overlooked that the Jews had an equally large and important portion in the presentation of God’s salvation, as in its prepara­ tion. You do not need to read far in the New Testament before you are aware that the coming Saviour was heralded by a Jewish forerunner, John, the Baptizer. (Matt. 3:1-3.) In true Old Testament prophetic form this man of God summoned Israel to repent and turn to God in prepara­ tion for the soon approach of the Messiah. Then when the Saviour did come incarnate in the human family, it was to a Jewish virgin that He turned to find His parental abode. He was born of a Jewish virgin of the royal House of David in the CONTINUED ►

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