King's Business - 1953-08

S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:12, 14) Paul, the great missionary, was in prison in Rome because he had been faith­ ful in preaching about the Lord Jesus. Far away in the city of Colossae lived a Christian family in whose home the church held its meetings. This family owned a slave named Onesimus. Every­ one owned slaves in those days, even Christians. Onesimus stole some money from his master and ran away to Rome. Perhaps he had often heard Philemon, his master, talk about the great mission­ ary who was in prison in Rome. When the stolen money was spent and Onesimus was hungry and lonely he went to where Paul was a prisoner. Lovingly Paul told the run-away slave about the Lord Jesus. Paul might have hated Onesimus because of what he had done to Paul’s friend; he might have hated him because he was a sinful slave. Paul knew that the Lord Jesus had died for Onesimus; he knew that only the Saviour could change the heart and life of the wicked slave. Onesi­ mus found the Lord Jesus as his Saviour. Paul wrote the letter of Philemon in our New Testament for Onesimus to take back to Colossae to his master. The letter asked Philemon to take Onesimus back, not as a slave, but a brother in Christ. Some of the early writers of history tell us that Philemon kindly received Onesi­ mus, forgave him, and allowed him to be free. What Philemon did for Onesimus, the Lord Jesus Christ did for us. He freely forgave our sins, welcomed us for His own, and gave us freedom from Satan’s power. Recause of Paul’s love, Onesi­ mus found the Saviour. Is there someone who is poor, or lonely, or of a different race that needs your love to lead them to the Lord Jesus? STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR FALL SEMESTER ON NEW SHELTON COLLEGE CAMPUS Shelton College has now moved to their new 1187 acre country estate, Skylands.. When the college opens in September students will have the added advantage of an enlarged liberal arts program. All students will be given a special Charter Member Certificate to signify that they attended the first semester on the new campus, which is about one hour’s drive from New York City. Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President, announced that Fall registrations would be accepted up to August 31st. Fall '53 Students to Receive Charter Member Certificate

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It was his search for the answer to the question, “What is Christianity?” that led Jopn Wesley to re-examine the current religious thought of his day. It was his discovery of the answer as a way of life, a pattern for living, that produced the Wesleyan revival and revolutionized English history and culture. Wesley also has a message for 20th Century America—and for you! Get your copy today.

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¿Shelton QtoUetje SHELTON CO LLEG E offers you an education based upon the American Way o f Life and founded upon the Bible as the infallible Word o f God. Our new location will be Ringwoodboro, New Jersey, where a magnificent new campus in the Ramapo Mountains will be ready for use in September.

Each student who enrolls in the Sep­ tember’53 semester w ill re ce iv e a Charter Member Certificate

Send for your cata­ log today for regis­ tration information ¿Shelton (College Skylands RINGWOOD BOROUGH New Jersey Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President Training Christian Warriors fo r the Twentieth Century Reformation

The completely furnished mansion of 44 rooms will serve as Shelton College's Administration building. 46


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