King's Business - 1953-08

you, like Onesimus, will be changed. When a boy or girl receives the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart, he becomes a new creature and is profi­ table'. e n d . Secret Confession To A Roman Catholic Priest By Rev. L. J. King, Converted Roman Catholic STARTLING FACTS AND REVELATIONS! The greatest exposure of the confessional ever made public! Every page of "SECRET CON­ FESSION" exposes In detail Romeos pagan doctrine. Rev. King takes you within the very walls of the confessional. The work*is conceded by pulpit and press to be one of the best authorities on the subject. PREVENT MIXED MARRIAGES!

how he could be free from sin by belonging to Christ. On the back of the “ I” we see the word “UNPROFITABLE.” Doubt­ less, Onesimus told Paul of his un­ faithfulness to his master—how in­ stead of bringing his master profit, he had caused him loss. He was “UN­ PROFITABLE” to his master. Paul was wise in that he gave the young man the Gospel of Christ as a solu- to his problem. Onesimus humbled himself, just as this “ I” bends for­ ward, and he received Christ as Sav­ iour. You now see that the word “ ONESIMUS” is behind the cross. We will turn the cross around and look at the back. It now reads “ PROFITABLE.” What a wonderful change! This is why Paul could write to, Philemon and say of Onesimus: “Which in time past was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me” (Philemon 11). Perhaps some of you are “UN­ PROFITABLE” to your parents and friends. If you will receive Christ,

O B J E C T L E S S O N S continued Now that all these unclean things have been removed from this glove, notice how easily the hand slips into the glove. Christ longs to abide in the hearts of people, and thereby make them fruitful in working for Him, but they often are so filled with worldly things that He cannot get in or cannot have all of each heart. Paul realized this truth and he wrote to Titus, “And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not un­ fruitful” (Titus 3:14). When one realizes that there is something in the life which keeps Christ from abiding within, it should be removed, in the strength which God gives. Christ then will have all of the life, and He will make it fruitful. Sept. 27, 1953 A C rook C orrected OBJECT; A capital “ I,” (Cut from stiff construction paper. It should be 14 inches high, the stem 1 inch wide, and the top and bottom bars 4 inches wide and 1 inch high. Crease 2 Yg inches from the top, permitting the top to fold forward when desired. Make another crease 5 inches from the bottom. When the top is folded down and the bottom up, the two bars will come together, making a cross. On the front between the top and the bottom folds, print the word “ ONE- SIMUS.” On the back, print the word “UNPROFITABLE,” with the first two letters above the top fold, and the rest of the word between the top and bottom folds.) LESSON: It is not difficult to dfecide whom this tall “ I” represents, for it has “ ONESIMUS” printed on it. He was a slave who had escaped from his master, Philemon, a man who lived at Colosse. He had, quite pos­ sibly, taken some of Philemon’s be­ longings. Onesimus did not want his master to catch him, so he fled to Rome, where he met the Apostle Paul. This

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meeting may have been in the Roman prison. Boys who get into trouble at home usually get into trouble every place they go. Paul soon told this runaway boy about sin’s slavery, and



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