King's Business - 1953-08


THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES . . . fa­ miliar slogan? Cer­ tainly. And one that reminds us to ask if you've thought about your y e a r ly "pause

that refreshes"? It's vacation time and we'd like to suggest a BIOLA FAM ILY CONFERENCE. For the Seattle-Tacoma area the F am ily Conference will be located at the Glendawn B ib le Con ference Grounds mid-way between Seattle and Tacoma. It is just one short mile from the main highway to the grounds where God's handi­ work assures you a pleasant, rest­ ful time plus all of the water and woodland sports; where God's men will bring you messages that will give you renewed faith and cour­ age to carry on in your daily life. You will come away refreshed!

V Conference Theme W ill Be

“ The All-Powerful Gospel M i

/ August 2nd to 9th

Write: Rev. J. Malcolm Lange, 3051 Beacon Avenue, Seattle 44, Washington

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