Whether from chronic tension, a whiplash injury, intervertebral disc disease or progressive arthritis, the neck can be a hidden and severely debilitating source of headaches. Such headaches are grouped under the term “cervicogenic headache” indicating that the primary source of the headache is the neck. There are well mapped out referred pain patterns of headaches. Even headaches located mostly in the forehead or behind the eyes are often “referred” pains coming from restricted areas in the upper cervical spine. The cervical joints connecting the top two or three levels of the neck to the base of the skull handle almost 50% of the total motion of the neck. Therefore, this area absorbs a continuous amount of repetitive stress and strain. Furthermore, the cervical joints bear the main weight of the head. Fatigue, poor posture, injuries, disc problems, joint degeneration, muscular stress and even prior neck surgeries can all compound the wear and tear on this critical region of the body.
WE GET RESULTS FOR: • Neck pain & stiffness • Headaches • Herniated discs • Stenosis • Degenerative Joint Disease • Degenerative Disc Disease • Radiculopathy • Whiplash
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