CIPP Prospectus 2017



CPD Counts towards


Salary sacrifice Half day duration

CPD Counts towards

Who is this course aimed at? Individuals who are responsible for implementing and running salary sacrifice schemes but have little or no knowledge of how they are planned, designed or implemented.

What will I learn? This half day course explains the legal and payroll related implications of the planning and introduction of salary sacrifice arrangements. It examines, with examples, why an arrangement may or may not be effective or successful and what the potential impact is on state benefits, including statutory payments and state pension.

The course also covers the payroll processing, recording and reporting implications (e.g. payslip and pensionable earnings) and explores the range of benefits that typically feature in salary sacrifice arrangements.

Course content l What is salary sacrifice? l Why choose salary sacrifice? l Potential impact on state benefits l Which non-cash benefits? l Flexible benefits l Range of benefits that apply to salary sacrifice l Examination of effective and ineffective sacrifice arrangements l Implications for tax and NICs l Legislation and case law l Payroll implications

Course aims On completion, delegates should be able to: l Be aware of how salary sacrifice schemes work l Understand the requirements of a successful salary sacrifice scheme l Appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of various schemes

“An excellent tutor and has provided excellent advice and assistance. I would not hesitate to book another course with the CIPP.”

Anne Ramsay MCIPPdip, payroll team leader Perth & Kinross Council

“As my knowledge of salary sacrifice was at best...poor! I found the course, and the course notes, very helpful.”

Ray Watkin ACIPP, London Pensions Fund Authority

“Good course gave me a good level of background knowledge. I have been able to take what I have learnt back to the working environment.”

Rebecca Beeston, Ofqual


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