Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf

changes necessary, to make sure we are servicing the people with what they need.”

RISE is not just about prenatal and family care and substance abuse treatment. It’s also about moving forward in life. Services include job skills and job training, help with writing resumes, and how to dress for an interview. With RISE, mothers can stay up to a year in the program. “We want them to have bonding time with their babies, as well as all the classes they need to live life without using.” Tametrice’s goal is for her clients to “learn to live life on life’s terms, without mood-altering drugs, and to have a productive life.”

Very hands-on with the mothers and children, Tametrice genuinely cares. “I facilitate groups, and I am very engaged. I want to be visible. I want to be accessible.” Yes, RISE is mostly for mothers. But—what about the dads? Tametrice explains, “ We help fathers too. We have a program called ‘Families for change,’ where the wife, the husband, and the children can receive the help they need, to stay in an intact family. And if the parents decide not to stay together, we offer them support in co-parenting. There’s also a father’s advocate who reaches out, whether they need treatment themselves or just need guidance.” Tametrice smiles warmly. “We are an advocate for families.”


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