A rzulia Fields is an Air Force veteran, has been in accounting her whole career, and is the fiscal manager for Mary Hall Freedom Village. Her job description is what you might expect: keeping track of the
a home for free. They are given counseling, medical treatment if needed, food, clothing, and, when they are ready and feeling stronger, guidance towards an income—a sustainable income. It may take some time, but when they are back on their feet and have a stable job, they are expected to pay just a percentage of the rent that they can manage. Arzulia explains, “We only raise their fees once a year.” That means they can breathe, catch up, save money, and most of all, feel the pride of paying their own way. “We get them started so that they can sustain themselves. That’s the whole purpose.” The external customers are grantors for the different programs offered by MHFV, donators, and outreach from their hardworking development department to keep MHFV moving forward. CONTINUE READING > > >
revenue, taking care of the books, tracking the grants, and processing payroll. She also makes deposits for customers, internal and external. It’s the internal deposits that tell a story of success. Arzulia explains that, in fiscal terms, a “customer” is anyone making a payment. Internal customers are the participants in the program. But how can a participant—a client
in recovery—make a payment? That is the beauty of Mary Hall Freedom Village. When a participant comes in, they may have nothing— no food, no clothes, no home. They are given
Arzulia Fields— Fiscal Manager MHFV
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