Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf


You can imagine Arzulia is busy, in the background, at a desk, crunching numbers. But the truth is, as with all MHFV staff, her job is, first and foremost, “to assist our customers.” She shares a funny story: “Normally, at 7:30, I clock in.” When asked why so early? She laughs and says, “I start before everyone gets there because when everybody gets there, the day doesn’t go the way you plan it! We try to have people call and make appointments, but that doesn’t happen, so you do your job, say your prayers, and keep on going.” Arzulia shares that she will be retiring at the end of September and is in the process of training a fiscal director and CFO to replace her. She has been with MHFV for twenty years, and she’s seen much change. When she started, it was still Mary Hall Freedom House: “We actually worked out of a house. It has grown a lot. When I first started, I assisted the fiscal manager. Then my fiscal manager left, and I became fiscal manager.” When asked if she sees the participants daily, she explains, “I see their growth and financial growth, and how excited they are when they get their first job, then they get a better job, working on their career. You have that relationship with them, and they know who you are. ‘I got a job today! I’m getting my kids back!’ They share their growth with you. I don’t see them daily, but I always speak to them, check in—‘How's it going, are you having a good day, are you having issues I could address?’ It’s my responsibility. From the time they come in the door to the time they leave, there is such a change. It makes your heart happy to see how far they’ve come and how appreciative they are of Mary Hall Freedom Village and the staff.”


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