Enduring ongoing sexual, physical and emotional abuse throughout childhood into her adult life, with both parents in active addiction, Adele's story is painful and is uniquely her own. Adele was in and out of prison, along with seven rehab stays, doing what she knew to survive, before MHFV. At one point, Adele was sent to Maui, Hawaii, for yet another rehab stay and
A dele Griffith was raised to understand that God exists in all places, “When you look in nature, at flowers, you know he’s there,” her mom taught her. “Even if you don’t have money, you have love, and where there is love, there is God.” Adele turned 32 in
found herself talking her way out of entering that program, but stayed on the island to “ just get as far away from things as possible,” for a few years. Before coming to MHFV, she endured years of abuse within her marriage. Her ex-husband was repeatedly unfaithful to Adele throughout their relationship, fathering children with another woman, and he gaslit her continuously. She was imprisoned in his basement for two
June and has been in recovery at Mary Hall Freedom Village since October 2021. The seeds of addiction recovery were planted during each of her prison and rehab stays during her 11 years of active addiction. But it wasn't until her 2021 jail stay, that she learned about MHFV, and also felt ready to be
years and used whatever drugs were available throughout her ordeal to cope. The police
successful. She continuously heard hopeful things about MHFV and felt intuitively that's where God needed her to be.
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