Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf

Mary Hall Freedom Village Offered Safety, Peace, Hope & a Path to a New Future FOR ADELE GRIFFITH


found her in the basement during a drug raid on his home, and she made the rapid decision to accept all of the drug charges as a means to escape his basement, knowing that prison would sadly be safer imprisonment than with him. She learned about MHFV in jail and finally entering the program finally gave her peace of mind. “I didn’t know I had trauma. MHFV has helped me process so much of that, including my relationship with my (late) dad. I meditate and pray a lot. I feel so free today.” Preparing to move into Community Transitional Housing

(CTH), Adele spoke of her future with optimism. Once in CTH, she plans to join an AA group and participate in Bible study with her community. She credits the Every Woman Works program at MHFV for her employment at the Egg Harbor Café, which she loves, for helping her gain the tools to re-enter the workforce. Adele spoke of now envisioning herself with money in savings and the ability to buy a car. Adele shared she’s been thinking a lot about where she wants to put her roots down; and contemplating, “Where does God want me to be?” She said she would love to own a farmhouse with land and animals, to be able to provide animal therapy in the future. When in active addiction, she said she rarely considered the ‘cause and effect' of her actions outside of herself and reflects often on the "ripple of untold pain" she caused to others in her past. She now does little things to help her community, not for credit, but because she would ". . . rather give untold love, than untold pain."


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