Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf

W hen asked how she got started, Lucy Hall is quick to answer: “God. It wasn’t my idea; it was God. . . After you come through your own storm, you realize it wasn’t just for you; it was for the purpose of helping others. You can think, poor me, when the reality is, poor me was for a reason. The hell I went through wasn’t just to say, ‘I've been through some hell,’ it was to help. Turn the hell to help.” She often hires participants who have graduated from the program, encouraging them to give back. She says, “You don’t have to stay here to do it; you just have to do it.” Lucy was working for Cascade House and took a job with CHRIS Kids, which helps children who are wards of the state. She had multiple jobs, including a housecleaning business. But with one particular household, she realized she was doing more counseling the homeowners than cleaning! So, she decided to go back to counseling and work at a homeless shelter. “I realized most women were in that shelter because of substance abuse, mental illness, domestic violence, undereducated, underinsured, and The Woman Behind the Dream: Giving the Gift of Hope and Purpose Lucy Hall, Creator of Mary Hall Freedom Village

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