Moraine Backas -- you clean, take out the trash and do whatever needs to be done. It’s a nonprofit. So, we do what we have to do. We work as a team.” Regarding jobs, MHFV helps women to
M oraine Backas is the office manager at Mary Hall Freedom Village. Her primary duties are overseeing the supply orders, helping the operations manager Timmy Reed maintain the building and properties, and ensuring things run smoothly. But the truth is, when she walks in the
make a living wage after they’ve gone through the program, whether through new training or past experience. “Some participants were
door, anything goes. “The first person who approaches you is how the day starts. Part of your day may be consumed with trying to help a client. It could be that supplies did not arrive, and I have to get on the phone. Or I have a report that needs to be done for MARTA [Metropolitan Atlanta Transit Authority].”
nurses or city workers before. . . so when they recover, we help them get back into their field.” Moraine has been with Mary Hall Freedom Village since 2006. “Back then, it was Mary Hall Freedom House. We went from a house to a village.” She has even seen return participants. She shares how a client called and recognized Moraine’s voice— from ten years earlier. “She said
The MARTA cards alone tell a story of how MHFV helps women move forward in life, from assisting in getting jobs, even IDs, if necessary, to providing transportation through the MARTA cards. She reiterates, “You wear many hats. No one has a set job at MHFV. In this department,
to me, ‘Moraine, I’m so embarrassed. I relapsed.’ And I said, ‘We’ve all relapsed, whether we are in recovery or not. I’ve relapsed with my diet! It’s all on the same level.’ Moraine explains that they need that support. She’s glad the woman felt safe enough to call, knowing she wouldn’t be judged.
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