Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf


HOUSING Gwen Hall with

I n the Village there is Recovery Housing and Supportive Housing which is lead by Gwen Hall, Director and is comprised of Higher Grounds 3 permanent Supportive Housing funded by HUD, Mary’s Heart PSH, Elizabeth Place (EP) and Veteran Independent Path (VIP) which are female veterans and Veterans with children funded by the Veteran Administration. The Donna Center located downtown Atlanta is a homeless program also a part of the Supportive Housing Services at MHFV. Gwen provides oversite to both Supportive Housing and Recovery Housing. In the Village we provide services to everyone seeking to be empowered and encouraged to live a life free from homelessness, addiction and poverty and we tell everyone we will love you until you learn to love yourself. Gwen came to Georgia to go to ITC for Seminary and joined MHFV in 2003. Before I share about my journey here in the Village, I want to share how I was introduced to MHFH at that time. I must admit I really was not sure what Mary Hall Freedom House was or its function. It was a Saturday night in 1998 when I landed in Georgia to start my Seminary journey. My sister- in-law picked me up at Hartsfield Airport and was brining me to meet Lucy at the Convention Center downtown Atlanta. As we walked into the part of


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