Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf

S hayon Jackson, communications specialist, can truly relate to the women she helps at Mary Hall Freedom Village. After all, she was a former participant herself. “In 2019 I came through the program, and I have three years of recovery. This program saved my life, and laid a foundation, for me to play a part in saving the lives of other women.” At first, she wasn't allowed

comment, and they all nod in agreement. There is no denying the sense of family with this team. Because of Shayon’s experience with housing, she can multi-task with her assistance. “A lot of the ladies I did assessments with, I was able to go back and work with them in housing.” She remembers one participant who came straight from jail. “She

to work in connections, so she worked in the housing department, but fractured her foot the first month. “They put me on light duty. Angela saw the light shining in me and I was sent to connections! God has a funny sense of humor!”

made it through what she had to do in the program. Now she’s graduated and made it to the next level— permanent housing!”

Shayon also shares about a lady who had a baby while in the program. “She was so grateful to be able to be a mother to her child. She brought her baby to graduation. I cried the whole time at the pinning. I've shed a lot of tears being here, happy tears. It shows me that I'm doing exactly what God put me here to do.”

She remembers, “At first, it was just me and Angela. ‘A two-woman show’ as Angela called it! I fell in love with the department. And with Angela’s personality. Her personality is… unexplainable.” The whole team bursts out laughing at her

PAYING IT Former Client Now Guides Others to Help They Need Shayon Jackson


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