Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf

So, what does a housing coordinator do? She sees the participants daily to ensure they have everything they need. Before recovery, their life can be chaotic. So MHFV provides them with structure, and Joanna sees to it that the participant follows through with a schedule. Sometimes that literally means waking them up and getting them going in the morning, something they may not be used to but is essential to the healing process. Routine. Structure. They are being responsible. Joanna is very involved with each of the participants in that department. “I follow up, make plans, listen to what they’re going through and why they are here in the program.” If they have any needs which have to do with housing, right down to towels and clothing, she

makes sure they have them. “I make sure they get where they need to be whether that be meetings, events, appointments. I make sure all their requests are met and everything is moving smoothly throughout the day. ” Joanna’s favorite part of her job is graduation for all the participants who complete the program. “That’s the biggest and the best. That’s the amazing part. That’s what I’m here for, to see the change—to see someone come in, and then when they leave, they are a whole

different person. It’s warming to the heart.” And what sets Mary Hall Freedom Village apart from other recovery options? “I saw clients who had been through six or seven different programs. Then they finally get it once they get here.”


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