Mary Hall Freedom Village Magazine.pdf


sharing that in the outside world, doctors and the courts may have told the women that they can’t live on their own and can’t take care of their children. “But the staff in Daycare tended to the mothers and their kids, and there was no one saying they could never be on their own. I've seen them living on their own. They end up back with their kids, they get their husbands back, and they get their fathers and their mothers back in their life. “I remember hearing, ‘My family will never take me back. My family will never see me again like they used to.’ Then I see the family come to embrace them. I’ve seen God for myself; I bear witness. I have hope. Not part-time hope, I have full hope that God can do it. . . I've seen our clients become business owners and first-time homeowners. They’ll stop by the reception

desk celebrating, saying, ‘I Never had a bank account; I have a bank account, and I have XYZ dollars!”


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