King's Business - 1968-04

This man Daniel, however, not only knew the prophetic Word, but he also lived his life in the light o f it. It is true that Daniel’s prophecies were awe-encompassing utterances, but the man himself stands as a lesson in spiritual courage and deter­ mination. His prayers, testimony, and life are all witnesses to the fact that he had not only knowl­ edge concerning the way of God, but also gave evi­ dence of manifesting the will of God. He knew the principles of Christian living and also practiced them. One outstanding characteristic o f this prophet was that he was a man o f purpose. For instance, Nebuchadnezzar wanted to perform an experiment with a choice population of the nation Israel. So this king of Babylon took Daniel and his friends to Babylon (about 606 B.C.), thinking he would come back and get the rest later. The king selected almost perfect specimens for his experiment. He chose a group of young people, evidently in their late teens. He asked for a group who were of royal lineage with no physical defects, and disciplined in learning, ability, and understand­ ing (Dan. 1:3-4). The reason for all of this was simply that he wanted to change their environment and therefore change them. If he could do this with them, he could certainly do it with the common Jews that would come later. He wanted to make them Chaldeans in every way. He sought to change their thinking by making them learn the culture and language of the Chaldeans. He sought to change their way o f living by making them eat from the king’s table. Of course, all of the royal food was contrary to the Mosaic Law (Lev. 7:22- 27) and therefore in conflict with their religious life as well. These Hebrew guinea pigs were not only to be changed intellectually and physically but also spir­ itually. Their godly names were changed to names with heathen meaning. Nebuchadnezzar wanted them to live without their God. He thought by changing their godly names he could accomplish this. Notice this change o f name as follows: Interpretation Daniel............................................. God Is My Judge Hananiah....... ..... .........-.... .......Beloved of the Lord Mishael..................... -..........-..............Who Is As God Azariah............ ....... ........ ....... The Lord Is My Help Interpretation Belteshazzar........ ...................................Prince of Bel Shadrach....... Iluminated by the Sun of God—Rach Meshach..... ............................. Who Is Like Venus or the God of Love Abed-nego.-- .......... Servant of the Fire God—Nego H e b r e w N a m e s Name C h a l d e a n N a m e s Name

by EDGAR C. JAMES, Th.D. Calvary Bible College W h a t a n e x c it in g t im e it is for Christians to be alive—a day in which God is aligning na­ tions and events according to the prophetic Word! The war in the Middle East, the ecumenical move­ ment, and the lawlessness in our country are un­ derstandable events when viewed in the light of God’s authoritative Word. In fact, many of the events happening in the world today have been pre­ dicted either implicitly or explicitly in Holy Scrip­ ture. To realize something of what God is doing today and in future time is a great privilege for the Chris­ tian. To know God’s purpose for Egypt and Israel, His ordering o f nations as well as our lives, His future rule here upon the earth means that we share the very intents of the heart o f God. But have you ever stopped to think what God must re­ quire of those to whom He has given such a privi­ lege? Have you ever thought of our obligation in that we know the prophetic Word? The Prophet Daniel had the very same problem even though he lived some 2500 years ago. God shared with him many prophecies that are funda­ mental and foundational to all other areas of pro­ phetic study. For instance, it was through this prophet that the future plans came for the Gentile nations and the nation Israel. Through Nebuchad­ nezzar’s and Daniel’s visions (Chapters 2 and 7), the Lord shows the rise and fall of the four world empires. He allows Daniel to know that Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome would arise one after another to control the world scene and domi­ nate the earth. However, Christ Himself, the crush­ ing stone, would in the time of the final kingdom destroy all the empires, and this King of kings would rule the nations with a rod o f iron. Daniel also writes of the history of Israel (Chap­ ter 9) as the angel Gabriel tells him the time se­ quence of this nation’s events. This chapter is so specific and significant that Simeon and Anna evi­ dently were able to tell when our Lord would be born through the study of it.


A P R IL, 1968

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