King's Business - 1968-04


H erbert W. A rm strong ’ s headquarters are in Pasa­ dena, California, on “ Millionaire Mile,” a few blocks from where every year begins one of the most gorgeous spectacles ever seen on earth: the Rose Parade. Mr. Armstrong is founder and chancellor of three Ambassador Colleges: the one in Pasadena, the one in England, and the one now under construction in Big Sandy, Texas. Mr. Armstrong is the originator and conductor of “ The World Tomorow” international radio broadcast, and he is the editor of the monthly magazine The Plain Truth. The Pasadena Ambassador College’s buildings and grounds are, with the exception of one erected by the college, those formerly owned by millionaires. Mr. Arm­ strong is said to have bought them for $200,000. Today, probably they would cost $3 million. There are 35 acres in the campus, beautifully landscaped, with gardens and spraying fountains, with every kind and variety of flower blooming continually. The center of the grounds is the Mansion. It is a splendid thing, with pure marble steps leading up to it, with paneling and floors of im­ ported hardwood. Artisans were brought from Europe to do the work. The British Ambassador College is 20 miles north of London in the English “ Green Belt.” The buildings and grounds were once the estate of Sir David Yule, who in his day was a Director of the British East India Company. The Big Sandy, Texas, Ambassador College will be in Armstrong and Texas style. The private lake is now filling up. There will be facilities for swimming, water- skiing and other aquatic sports. There will be a quarter- mile track, tennis court, and basketball courts. Am­ bassador Colleges are liberal arts institutions. The July 1963 issue of The Plain Truth listed 158 radio stations now carrying Mr. Armstrong’s “ The World Tomorrow” broadcast. They include the most powerful stations in the world, 105 in the United States and Canada, four in Europe, four in Africa, 23 in Aus­ tralia, nine in Asia, and 13 in Latin America. The broadcast is in English, French, German, and Spanish. Mr. Armstrong tried television for a while. But he soon gave it up. The cost was too high, it took too much of his time, and it was too hard on his nerves. He went back to radio exclusively. Mr. Armstrong is editor of The Plain Truth maga­ zine. It is a monthly, a 10% x 8% inches format, printed on an excellent grade of book paper, set in 10 pt. type on a 12 pt. slug, which makes the magazine attractive and easy to read. Always, there are many excellent photographs that are relevant, full of life, and say something. The magazine buys photographs from the best distributors. The regular run includes an editorial, ably written articles on world affairs, and articles on religion. The July 1963 issue stated that the magazine’s 16

circulation was 500,000. It is published at Pasadena, London, England, and Melbourne, Australia. German and French editions are published monthly at London. But you don’t pay for The Plain Truth. “ Your sub­ scription has been paid for by others. Bulk copies for distribution not given or sold.” Herbert W. Armstrong is a man of delicate modesty! In the December, 1962, issue of his magazine, he gives us some marvelous information. He is talking about “ cycles.” A “ cycle,” as you probably know, is an interval or space of time in which is completed a round of events. Mr. Armstrong begins with Pentecost. “ That same day there were 120—ten times twelve, or ten twelves—who ‘first’ were baptized by God’s Spirit. . . .” (But, come to think of it, two times sixty would make a hundred and twenty, wouldn’t it? Or eighty plus forty? Or sev­ enty plus fifty?) There were a number of “ rounds of events,” includ­ ing the ministry of Paul. “After one 19-year time-cycle, ‘A DOOR’ was opened for the Apostle Paul to take the true Gospel of Christ to Europe (II Cor. 2:12; Acts 16:9-10).” And then Titus, in A.D. 70, destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, and subsequently the Jews were scattered all over the world. Now, here is Mr. Armstrong, in the December, 1962, issue of his magazine, on page 14: That was the end o f the effective ORGANIZED WORK OF GOD, proclaim ing the Gospel o f God’s Kingdom to the world, fo r 18% centuries! A s re­ vealed in the parable o f the ten virgins (Matthew 25 ), when Christ did not return to earth as soon as many o f that day expected Him, “ While the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” So fa r as the JOB o f proclaim ing the true GOSPEL Message to the whole world was concerned, the Church went to sleep on the job. . . . Yes, during more than 18% centuries, “ while the Bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” But, as the living Christ kept His Church on the job proclaim ing HIS GOSPEL fo r two 19-year time cycles after His departure from earth, so He has purposed to AW AKEN His Church to PREPARE THE W AY BEFORE HIM, by proclaim ing the GOOD NEWS fo r two 19-year time-cycles PRIOR to His return to earth as KING o f kings and LORD o f lords to set up THE KINGDOM OF GOD to rule the peaceful and happy and joy fu l WORLD TOMORROW ! And so, beginning the first week o f January 1934, the living Christ “opened a door!” (Rev. 3 :8 ). It was the “ door” o f radio and the printing press, mass- media through which Christ’s true Gospel could be proclaimed to the multitudes. It was the “ midnight hour,” when began the fu l­ fillment o f Matthew 25 :6 : “ There was. a CRY made, ’BEHOLD, THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH ; GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM.’ ” TH E KIN G'S BUSINESS

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