King's Business - 1968-04

HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG and world tomorrow! Who he is andwhat hedoes.

by NOELSMITH And so, according to Herbert W. Armstrong, from the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by Titus in A.D. 70, “ the Bridegroom tarried” and everybody “ slumbered and slept” until the first week of January, 1934—when Herbert W. Armstrong came on the scene. And so, according to Herbert W. Armstrong, noth­ ing of genuine Christian significance and importance, nothing true of a genuine church occurred on this earth in the long period between Titus and the sudden ap­ pearance in the first week of January, 1934, of Herbert W. Armstrong: not the hundreds of Christian martyrs who were thrown to the wild beasts by the Romans; not the fires that consumed the Polycarps; not the mis­ sionaries who took the Gospel to pagans and savages; not Luther and Calvin and John Knox and the Reforma­ tion; not John and Charles Wesley and George White- field and the revival that saved England; not Jonathan Edwards and Charles Grandison Finney and the mighty revivals that they led; not Dwight L. Moody, and Sam Jones, and Billy Sunday, and Bob Jones Sr.; and the powerful teaching and preaching and writing of G. Campbell Morgan and A. C. Gaebelein and James M. Gray, and scores of others; not the great foreign mis­ sionary movement; not the Christian schools and Bible colleges and theological seminaries— All of that, according to Herbert W. Armstrong, was nothing more than the snoozes and snores of sleeping virgins. The trumpet of genuine Christianity was not heard from Titus on until Herbert W. Armstrong took it up, moistened his lips, and sounded it during the first week in January, 1934. Churches that are now named St. Paul should be named St. Armstrong. And in addition to celebrating the Day of Pentecost, we ought to celebrate the Day of Herbert W. Armstrong. We all like a clear-cut, valid proposition. Herbert W. Armstrong presents us with one. It is this: If Herbert W. Armstrong is valid, then all the work done in the Name of Christ from Titus to Herbert W. Armstrong was invalid. If Herbert W. Armstrong is genuine, then every preacher, evangelist, missionary, Bible expositor, and theologian from Titus to Herbert W. Armstrong was either a deluded fanatic or an im­ poster or both. If Herbert W. Armstrong’s “ church” is a genuine Christian church; then every church from Titus to Herbert W. Armstrong was a false church, and every church on earth today but Herbert W. Arm­ strong’s “ church” is a false church. It’s as clear as that. And the authority for it is the printed words of Herbert W. Armstrong, which are available to all. Take your choice.

H erbert W. A rm strong demands that his follow­ ers keep the Jewish Passover. On March 25, 1963, he wrote his followers a letter about observing the Passover. Here is part of what he wrote:

Dear Brethren in Christ: GREETINGS in Jesus’ name! The PASSOVER and Day o f Unleavened Bread are once again nearly upon us— so be sure to read all o f this special letter about plans fo r the Spring Festival! Once again, God has granted additional GROWTH and blessings to His Church! This year, God has made it possible to hold full eight-day services in EIGHT separate locations! Be sure, then to read the instructions fo r the area you will be attending. April 8 is the date o f the PASSOVER this year. This o f course, corresponds to the 14th o f Nisan (or Abib) in the Sacred Calendar ( if you do not yet have one o f the Calendars fo r this year, be sure to write in fo r it immediately). However, remem­ ber that the days begin on the previous sunset! This means — be sure you understand — that the actual PASSOVER services will begin on SUNDAY EVE­ NING, April 7! REMEMBER this date, even writing it down, placing it in your wallet or carrying this letter on your person or in your purse. Passover is on Sunday evening, April 7, 1963. The FEA ST , which is the beginning o f the 15th o f Nisan, begins the very next evening follow ing Passover, or precisely at sun­ set on the evening o f April 8 according to the Roman calendar. Then, the Days o f Unleavened Bread will continue through Monday, the 15th o f April. This, then, should be one o f the most important dates in the entirety o f the year! FAR more impor­ tant than the date o f our anniversary, or o f our bap­ tism, or our “ birthday” or any other date except other o f God’s annual Festivals and Holy Days! Every year when God’s people travel to observe either the Spring or the Autumn Festival— it seems our business office finds itself in a REALLY SERI­ OUS B IND ! Many brethren simply DO NOT SAVE all their second tithe— so they take travel money from their own income — CUTTING DOWN what they WOULD have sent in as offerings fo r God’s work— taking it fo r their travel expense! Brethren in Christ — F A R BETTER YOU HAD TO SU FFER BY MISSING MEETING W ITH OTHERS DURING THIS SEASON THAN TO C R I P P L E GOD’S Continued on next page



A P R IL, 1968


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