King's Business - 1968-04

Excerpts from Paul Harvey News; Dee. 28, 1967

sold and the money mostly had been spent. It was then that the Devil remembered this one instrument o f torture which he had not sold. One which had destroyed more men than any other, had driven whole nations off the map o f the earth . . . This tool he still retained. So he decided that he would go back to work with this one only. And the evil angels, hearing what he was up to, were afraid o f the competition. As he, with but one weapon, began to accom­ plish more than they with all of theirs, they began to call him all manner o f good names behind his back. One by one, however, they were forced out of business by the Devil’s more effective merchandise. Finally they had no choice but to go back to work for their former employer. This pooled all the tools of the trade again . . . And now, from time to time, each is employed to the detriment of mankind . . . But the experience which I have here recounted left Satan convinced o f the true value o f his one favorite device . . . And this he still reserves for stubborn cases. With this one he knows now, if he ever has to, he can go it alone. With just the one instrument with which he has plagued mankind since the beginning . . . Just one . . . “Discouragement.”

T h e s t o r y is to l d that one day the Devil decided to go out o f business. Quit. Sell out his stock and retire. Some of the evil angels decided they would try to carry on in his place. Offered to buy him out. So the Devil placed on public sale all o f his merchandise, all of the instruments of torture with Greed, lust, excesses . . . which he had plagued mankind . . . Each o f these he marked with a price and placed on sale. One o f his devices of torture, however, he prized above all the others. This was indeed his most effective weapon, his most valuable. It was with this tool that he had dragged David into the well in the 77th Psalm. So when the Devil put this, his most precious instrument, up for sale, he marked it with such a gigantic price that none o f the evil angels could afford to buy it. When all his shelves were otherwise empty, this one weapon the Devil still possessed as his own. He locked it away for safe keeping. Security for his old age in case he should need to sell it later. And he retired. As with all who are very energetic and ambi­ tious, rest began to taste increasingly less palatable when it was served in such large quantity. Eventually the Devil decided that he would like to go back to work. Alas, however, the tools of his trade had been


A P R IL, 1968

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