King's Business - 1968-04

MggH|gMHMMMnaaHMNNNMHUMHMHMHNMMMMnMaaNMaMMnNttMNHMMMaMHMaaMaSBMaMa| And we’ll send Gospels on to the millions of Spain who have no missionaries and no Bibles, but are shaking off centuries of darkness, and asking for the Light. JUST GIVE 115 THE UIORD

like the tears. And this Prufing is just a part o f your normal ironing routine. Developments like P ru f not only “ p a rty -p roof” y o u n g s t e r ’ s clothes. They’re also keyed to the ease-of-move­ ment trend in children’s designs. The spray starch adds crispness to clothes without making a child feel stiff and uncomfortable. A s she grows older, teach her not only the colors and styles that look well on her, but also the reasons fo r selecting certain fashions and fabrics. Show her how some fabrics are de­ signed to “ fa ll” gracefully while others are meant to be starched. When she reaches fo r shopping teens she should understand that price does not determine fashion. She should as­ sume the fu ll responsibility o f caring fo r her own wardrobe. You can make it easier by getting her used to the fact that some o f the most elegant fashions are designed o f synthetic fa ­ brics that can be laundered easily. Discuss with her the latest develop­ ments fo r making clothes stay pretty longer. Her knowledge o f such features as permanent press, cold water launder- ability and soil-repellent spray starch­ es can make her a bright, young fash­ ion-shopper who w ill not only be able to select and take care o f her own clothes but who w ill also show a knowl­ edgeable respect fo r them. The lessons she learns from you in her early years will help her to choose and care fo r her garments properly long after she goes out on her own.

A Spanish evangelical minister told PTL that there are 3 million people in his province, but only 5,000 evangelicals. He asked for 1 million Gospels of John for Spain. What shall we do? Shall we give them the Word? We are waiting to hear from you! J. Edward Smith, International Director Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey 07631, Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario




Complete with Psalms and Har­ mony o f the Gospels. Pin Seal Morocco, leather lined, with gold edges and gold fillet. 2% x 3lsf{e, only fyie" thick. The ideal gift for the serviceman, minister, and traveler. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 0238 x . $6.00 "THE MOST HELPFUL

REFERENCE BIBLE." — Moody Monthly

Like Peter, I'm sometimes impulsive; "I'll never deny Thee," I vow; And then, when in weakness I fail Him, The Lord says, "Start over right now." “ . . . be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work o f the Lord . . .” (I Cor. 15 :58). b y R u t h C a l k i n "I'M WAY UP— OR WAY DOWN . . You ’re either swinging on a star, or dragging in the dust — is that the way it is? One morning soaring, the next morning sulking. One day singing, the next day sitting in a dungeon o f des­ pair. From sublime heights to perilous depths, until you are frustrated but not fruitful. L ife has become a daily grind instead o f a daily growth. How does it 'happen? A problem sud­ denly appears hopeless. You don’t think you can cope with it. But God gives the perfect solution and you’re on your

T he N ew S cofield R eference B ible is available in many styles and colors, including this one with Family Record. Cowhide, leather lined, with gold edges and gold fillet. 5 % x 8% , only Vs" thick. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 09178x. $23.75 x indicates Ultrathin Oxford India paper

At your bookseller OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS / New York

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FORMERLY: CEYLO N and IN D IA GEN ERAL M ISSIO N Celebrating75YearsofService“UntotheUttermostPart*' WORKING IN INDIA and PAKISTAN w rit« for FREE Liforaturo ^ 107-K N. Hale Street, W heaton, Illinois 6018 7 j

RUSHING TO RUSSIANS 1 and others with the Gospel. Invest your 1 funds in Slavic Gospel Association A n - ' nuities to help us set the Gospel out to the Russian people and others, world* wide. W rite for literature and in for­ mation. | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Daynaka, General Dlractor. | Dept. K 2434 N. Ktdzi* Blvd.. Chicago, III. 60647 ^


A P R IL, 1968

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