MOUNT HERMON August 16th - 23rd
Deep in the heart of Redwood land between Son Jose and Santo Cruz is the Mount Hermon Confer– ence grounds and the site of BIOLA's California summer conferences. Accommodations of all types ore available-any– thing from hotels to private cabins. And of course there ore ample recreational facilities for the family to enjoy-swimming, booting, hiking-and many others. And the Mount Hermon conference will hove many special features. The Scoville sisters will be on hand with their marimba and vibraharp numbers. Your reservations should be mode immediot~ly. Write to: MOUNT HERMON ASSOCIATION Mount Hermon, California
OF LOS ANGELES ••• is on inter-denominationa l institution founded upon the Word of God and adhering to the evan– gelical Christion faith. for over 45 years hos been dedicated to the tra in– ing of young men and women for Christion service. offers a two-year Bible Institute course, or a four– yeor Bible college course with majors in Bible, Chris– tion education, music, elementary education, English, speech, philosophy, or history. hos two affiliated graduate schools: the School of Missionary Medicine and Talbot Theological Sem– inary. is dependent upon its friends as it endeavors to continue to offer low-cost, Bib le-centered tra in ing for its young people. 558 S. HOPE ST. LOS. ANGELES 17, CALIF.
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