Board Converting News, October 21, 2024

Supply Chain (CONT’D FROM PAGE 37)

There is a growing need for collaboration across the sup- ply chain, with associations like FINAT playing a pivotal role in helping smaller converters adapt​. Recyclability and Material Innovation As the market shifts toward sustainability, recyclability has become a key focus. Label producers are working on solutions like wash-off labels that improve the recyclabili- ty of containers. However, the need for continued efforts to find solutions for waste materials like matrix and liner waste was also emphasized​. Digital Transformation and AI Integration Digital technology is revolutionizing the supply chain, enabling better tracking, process automation and efficiency. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various as- pects of the supply chain was a prominent discussion point. For example, AI could help predict supply chain disruptions and improve decision-making, which is crucial for prevent- ing issues like the shortages experienced in recent years​. AI is also transforming consumer interaction with brands. AI-driven tools like generative AI are enhancing the personalization of consumer experiences. Collaboration Across the Supply Chain The future of the labeling industry depends on collabo- ration across the value chain. As the complexity of regula-

tory requirements, consumer demands, and technological advancements grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for companies to operate in isolation. Family-owned busi- nesses, in particular, are under pressure to document and meet sustainability goals, which requires greater cooper- ation between stakeholders​. The importance of data shar- ing and standardization was also discussed, particularly in relation to sustainability metrics. Economic Challenges and Supply Chain Resilience The forum also addressed the broader economic chal- lenges facing the industry. The post-COVID recovery has been uneven, with significant fluctuations in demand for labelstock. Many converters have seen sharp declines in profitability due to rising material costs, and there is a clear need for more resilient supply chains​. FINAT will host the European Label Forum on May 21- 23, 2025, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.




October 21, 2024

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