Board Converting News, October 21, 2024


serve our members and the corrugated industry. I look for- ward to contributing to the continued success of AICC’s educational programs and helping our members thrive in this dynamic and evolving market, ” said Rendon. Rebecca will bring her expertise and experience to build meaningful educational content that helps AICC members adapt to new challenges and seize opportunities in the dynamic world of packaging. She can be reached at AICC Announces ‘Scoring Big In Sales’ Webinar Set For Nov. 6 AICC, The Independent Packaging Association, an- nounced an upcoming webinar, Scoring Big in Sales: Us- ing the Moneyball Strategy to Transform Your Sales Model,

Women’s Advisory Group, where she has contributed her insights and expertise. Her deep understanding of pack- aging technologies and industry trends and her dedication to education make her an ideal fit to grow AICC’s educa- tion and training efforts. In her new capacity, Rebecca will focus on delivering high-quality educational resources and programming that will enable AICC members to stay informed, competitive, and forward-thinking in an ever-evolving marketplace. With a track record of solution-driven initiatives and pub- lished works in leading industry outlets, Rebecca is well- equipped to elevate AICC’s educational offerings and fos- ter professional development opportunities that benefit members and the broader industry. “It’s truly an honor to work alongside the AICC staff to

available to AICC members at no cost. The webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, No- vember 6, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. ET, promises to equip participants with a formulaic ap- proach to driving sales success — drawing direct inspiration from the renowned 2003 book, “Moneyball,” by Michael Lewis. In Moneyball, Oakland Athletics’ gener- al manager Billy Beane defied convention by assembling a winning team using da- ta-driven, non-traditional strategies. AICC’s webinar will parallel this approach, offering attendees insights into a calculated, math- ematical approach that can achieve mar- keting and sales goals. By breaking down the steps of marketing math, participants will gain a roadmap to structure, deploy, and monitor their sales strategies for more predictable results. Some of the key takeaways from the webinar include: • Defining sales goals using mathematical steps aligned with your sales process. • Structuring a sales plan based on da- ta-driven decisions. • Understanding and leveraging conver- sion rates in your sales process. • Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking and analysis. • Recognizing areas of improvement through effective performance analysis. • Critical questions to ask when sales goals are not being met. The speaker is Todd Zielinski, Manag- ing Director and CEO of Athena SWC. Todd brings over 20 years of hands-on experi- ence in sales, marketing, lead generation, and management. He was a co-founder of Athena and has played a vital role in de- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8


October 21, 2024

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