Welcome Guide 2023

Oklahoma City A B OU T

ABOUT THE REGION Oklahoma is a land of diversity, beauty and hospitality, which is easily seen in the state’s landscape. Mile for mile, it has the nation’s most diverse terrain. With 11 distinct ecoregions, four mountain ranges and more man-made lakes than any other state, the opportunity to enjoy Oklahoma is as unlimited as your imagination. The Greater Oklahoma City region is located in the center of the state, making it easy to explore all that Oklahoma has to offer. When combined with its unique history and the spirit of its people, Oklahoma is a place where anything is possible. To learn more, visit the state’s tourism website at TravelOK.com. THE MAPS IMPACT You may wonder about Oklahoma City's genesis of becoming a modern Cinderella story, and the answer is simple: Oklahoma City is not afraid to bet on itself. After a decade of economic depression in the 1980s, Oklahoma City leaders knew that if they didn’t invest in themselves, no one else would. A bold plan to reshape Oklahoma City’s future began to take form and the Metropolitan Area Projects (MAPS) program was born. On Dec. 14, 1993, residents of Oklahoma City went to the polls and voted to advance Oklahoma City’s future by approving a temporary penny sales tax. As a result, nine projects were funded and drew attention from around the country. That community- backed investment was spent on renovations to the city’s convention center, performing arts center and fairgrounds; construction of a 15,000-seat ballpark, a mile-long canal, a 20,000-seat arena and a downtown library. MAPS also funded the complete renovation of an often-dry riverbed

One of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. with a population of about 1.4 million people, you can see the excitement and progress everywhere you look in Oklahoma City, from the urban fabric of our growing downtown to the unique flavor of our historic neighborhoods and districts. When you combine our momentum with the faces of our famously friendly residents, the entrepreneurial spirit of our leaders and a diverse and strong economy, you have a community that is beloved by its residents and the envy of other cities across the country. Oklahoma City’s increasingly diverse economy provides us with a strong foundation so we can continue to look forward and play a larger role in this global economy. Our community has used public improvements and large- scale projects to propel our renaissance and make Oklahoma City a big-league city, not to mention a great place to live, work and play. This enterprise and energy are evident everywhere. From urban hustle to suburban living, Oklahoma City not only makes it all possible, but it makes it easy. This is a place where innovation and invention are embedded in our DNA. Whether you show up in cowboy boots, a business suit or Birkenstocks, there’s more common ground in Oklahoma City than you might think. Oklahoma City embodies the "Modern Frontier" by embracing its roots and paving the

way to become a center of innovation and entrepreneurship where anything is possible.

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