Grilled Shrimp and Pineapple Salad
Now that summer is in full swing, I’m sure you have all been to a cookout. After all the burgers, dogs, sausages, potato salads, and chips you might be looking for something lighter. I selected this dish due to all the fresh herbs in our garden (see picture). I also made this last year at BBQU (original recipe can be found at If you get the prep done ahead this meal cooks quickly. Get grill hot. I prefer charcoal, but a gas grill will work. Make the dressing by mixing ¼ cup fish sauce, lime juice and sugar in a large bowl. Whisk to dissolve the sugar. Slice and sauté a shallot and a few garlic cloves in some oil for about 2 minutes. Set aside sliced shallot and garlic
to top the salad. Save the oil and let it cool.
Carve up a pineapple and cut into slices. Brush the slices with the leftover oil. Dredge in some sugar and grill over a hot grill. Put the pineapple on the grill right after you dredge in the sugar. Grill for about 90 seconds on each side (see picture). Remove from the grill, chop the pineapple, and save the juice that drips out of the pineapple for the dressing. Add a bunch of cilantro, mint, basil, and chopped pineapple (and juice) to the bowl. Wait to toss the salad and dressing. Baste the shrimp with garlic/shallot oil and grill over a hot grill. The original recipe calls for sliced jalapeno, but I like to grill it at the same time the shrimp is cooking. Grill the shrimp and jalapeno for about 2 minutes on each side. Slice the Jalapeno (remove seeds if you don’t like it spicy). Add the shrimp and jalapeno to the salad. Toss and then top with the sautéed shallot and garlic. Enjoy! Vote for your favorite recipe each week on our Facebook page, and Get a FREE Nestor Physical Therapy Recipe Book! HAVE YOU BEEN VOTING?
Arthritis InTheNeck
Theproblemwitharthritis is the lossof rangeofmotion in theneck joints. Asbonewearsonbone, the surfaceof thebones actually start to change shape.This thins thebones in the neck in someparts leading to a lossof heightbetween thebones.Due t abnormalwearand tear,newbone forms where it shouldn’t, creeping into the holeswhere the spinal cord passes through. In addition it can rub on the nerves out to your neck, shoulders, arms and even hands. This can lead to a condition called cervical spinal stenosis,whichcanbequitepainful. Whatcanbedone tohelpneckarthritis? Whilepainmedicationscanhelp control pain, they don’t address the root cause of the pain,which is poor strength and lackofnormalmovement.Theneck jointson the sideof the spinenormallyexperiencewearand tearover theyears.However,when this wear and tear is accelerated due to poor posture,weakness or injury, this cn lead to limited,painful rangeofmotion. Inaddition,withneckarthritis, thesmallermuscles thatguide themotions of theneckbecomeweaker,eventually leading tomore rubbingandarthritis. Bygentlystretching these tightand restricted jointswithspecifichandson therapyandexercises,rangeofmotioncanbereturned.Whilephysicaltherapy cnot restore the cartilage or change the bony structure, it can certainly helpyourneckmovebetter,becomestronger, reducepainandgiveyou the pwer tostayhealthier longer. imple test. See if you have restricted cervical joints.Standwith yourbackagainst thewall.Canyou touch thebackofyourhead to thewall whilekeepingyourchin level? Ifyoucannot, thenyourneck jointsare limited andyouneedphysical therapy to restore the range fmotion. Try this
This is a great appetizer for the holidays. It looks fancy but is quick and easy tomake.Yourguestswill think you are agourmet chef!
Thecheesecanbe smokedonagasgrill if youmakea smokerpack. Iused the charcoalgrill.
Youwillneeda cedarplank, camembert cheeseorabrie (soft creamy cheese), pepper jelly, and1-2 jalapenos.
Place theplankon thegrill for1-2minutesa side.Youwill see somegrillmarksand youwill start to smell the aroma of the cedar plank. (See thegrillmarks in the picture).
Spread the pepper jelly on the cheese. Slice the jalapeno in half, remove the seeds if you like it on themildside,andarrange jalapenosliceson topof thecheese.Slice the jalapenocrosswisewith the seeds if you like it spicy.Place the cheese in the plank. Place the plank on the grill (indirect heat) no flame under the plank. (See picture).Add a fewwood chips to the charcoals.Use smoker pack if using gas grill.Cook about 10minutes until the cheese becomes soft.Some of the cheesewill start to ooze out.
Is your neck pain affecting your balance? Have you ever seen a person with t ir head protruding forward and their body bent over?This can be subtle orquite noticeable.With neck pain, limited neck posture results in loss of balance. Just pull anyone by their nose and youwill see theywill falter forward.This isbecause thenormal linesofgravity through thebody changewhen thespineposturechanges. If youorsomeone youknowhas poorbalance, itcouldbeaproblemwith theirposture. Getyourneckmovingand feelingbetter.Callus to learnmoreaboutour programs today!
Servewithgrilled bread or fancy crackers. Enjoy!
Try thismovement forneckpain relief. RelievePain InMinutes:
Patient Success Spotlight
CERVICALROTATION Turn yourhead towards the side, then returnback to looking straightahead.
“Sincemy initialonsetof injury, Ihavebeensufferingmajor tingling inmyarmandneckpain. I'vebeen to2otherphysical therapistsand Dr.Nestorhaseliminatedmysymptoms.Hehasgivenmehope that Icanmakea full recoveryandgetback to theactive life that Ihad!” -MichaelOrsini
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