King's Business - 1913-12

The International Sunday School Lessons By J. H. S. LESSON XI.—December 14. —T h e S in of A chan .—J oshua 7. G olden T e x t :!- Be sure your sin will find you out. —Num. 32:23. STOR IE S O F T H E CONQUEST.—Jo sh u a 7 — 10 . Is T h e S tory of A i .

thee up !” (v. 10). Introspection, penitence, confession have their time; but we must not always be in the dust. Rise, put away the evil, mend the damage. “Israel hath sinned” (Exod. 20:17). Note! the solidar­ ity of humanity. God deals with races, na­ tions, communities, families, the Church and churches by representative responsi­ bility—in good and ill (1 Cor. 12:26) . The quaint rhyme is true: “In A dam ’s fall w e sin n ed all.” “Israel hath sinned . . . transgressed . . . . taken . . . stolen . . . dissembled . . . and they have put it even among their own stuff.” The powers are responsible for Balkan atrocities; the United States for all crimes, wrecks, in­ justices, individual and corporate; Los An­ geles for the intemperance, drunks, reck­ less accidents and hold-ups within their respective “spheres of influence.” And the Church! The want of discipline is largely responsible for the want of disciples. If realized—what a clearing of ourselves (2 Cor. 2:7-11). All are covertly if not overtly guilty. But the individual is not overlooked in the mass. Detection, sepa­ ration, execution comes. Out from race, tribe, family, church the culprit shall be dragged; his covetousness, hypocrisy, and sin exposed, and punished. He shouted loud as any at Jericho, perhaps sincerely, but he “saw,” “coveted,” “took” (God said, “stole,” for it was His), “hid” (Gen. 3:6, 10) ; hellward steps from the beginning; to look at, long for, lay hold on, lie about the forbidden thing. Silver, gold, garments— what a figure they cut! What a bonfire they’ll make! 3. Israel’s Victory. The sin question set­ tled the Lord could work. He took com­ mand, planned the campaign and under Him Joshua gained a great victory. The honor of Jehovah and His people was re-

1. Israel’s Defeat. Jericho, key to the uplands, had fallen;'Ai, key to,the interior, rmist be: taken. Jehovah had taken Jericho; could Israel take Ai? It was but a small town (8:25). They moved against Ai without seeking the Lord, or they would not have moved without searching their hearts. Joshua- said, “Spy out the land,” when he should have said, “Search your hearts” (Ps. 139:23). Self-confidence—self­ judgment was needed (1 Cor. 10:12; 2 Cor. 13:5). Ability overestimated, as before (Num. 13:31) underestimated. Learn that (1) “Without me ye can do nothing;” and without obedience He can do nothing (John 15:5). “All” (v. 3) were too few without Him ; one was a host with Him (D'eut. 32:30; Judges 3:15; 15:14, 15; 2 Sam. 28:8-12). 2. Sin Put Away. (1) Israel’s appeal. What Should they do ? despair ? or seek and remove the cause of defeat? God has not defaulted. He delivers from not to (v. 7). They fell “before the ark” (the “mercy seat”), with evident and penitent depend­ ence. • “Wherefore hast thou?” “What shall I say ?” Dread and shameful thing— God’s army to yield to the adversary! Turn, the back to the enemy!—turn your back on God! Who, then, shall fight the fight of faith? “The Canaanites shall hear . . . and -cut off.” Nothing flies like bad news, save bad news of good men, or professedly good. The world exults; is confirmed in Unbelief; and exults with its lord, the Devil. “Thy great name”—the cli­ max of evil ! Better that the heavens fall, made to glorify Him, than that the Church should fail. Had the story of Ai ended here, there would have been an end to Jehovah’s fame. (2) God’s response, “Get

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