Independent School Guide




W hile i packed a lunch for our son’s first afternoon at nursery school eleven years ago, I made a quick little drawing in Sharpie on his napkin. I don’t remember what I drew, but I am certain that I wrote a short note on the napkin telling him to have a great lunch and that I loved him. I was hoping to provide a little reassurance from home and maybe to gain him a bit of extra attention from the teachers who were supervising his lunch. This beginning of the napkin thing seems quite reasonable. Thousands of parents whose children go to daycare with a packed lunch containing a paper napkin no doubt do the same thing. But in our case, the situation escalated steadily from there. While my drawing skills were never great, I did attend art school, and sculpting is my day job. I was therefore perhaps slightly more capable than the average parent of producing convincing sketches of Disney, Dr. Seuss or Sesame Street characters. Like all indulgences

of one’s children, after a napkin drawing had been in the lunchbox one time, it could not go missing without prompting violent protest. As I continued drawing for my first son, I discovered that I was nurturing a small art director and media critic. His requests became more and more complicated and challenging. I was pushing my own agenda, trying to demonstrate to his teachers what sort of edifying books we were reading at home. He, however, had no interest in anything that was not on the bleeding edge of cool for three and four-year-old boys. Pretty quickly, the napkins were mostly demonstrating my son’s intense interest in pop culture, and, that maybe he was being allowed to watch too much television. These napkins were going to lunch at a Quaker school. It quickly became a running joke that it was very hard to come up with images that could scratch the boy culture itch and still be appropriate for a philosophically non-violent lower school lunch. I did my best: Superheroes and villains clutched forks



instead of guns. Swords, knives and claws skewered strawberries and broccoli florets. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader posed, arms around each other, declaring galactic peace. Our younger son soon joined his older brother in campaigning for more complicated, full color napkins, as well as more action and weapons. I slowly acquired an impressive collection of Sharpies, and then bought more sophisticated art markers. I try my best to honor their requests, but as I do most of the drawings after the kids go to bed, it is often not possible to orchestrate a complicated scene involving multiple unfamiliar characters. There were a few school years and summer camp sessions when both boys were taking a packed lunch, and I had to make some timesaving rules like “no more than two characters per napkin.” When I don’t receive a request, I try to draw something that interests them, ideally something that they have been looking at, playing with, or reading about the day before. At bedtime, we often talk about what would make a good napkin image – some oddly appropriate or ironic combination of characters perhaps. The kids definitely see the napkins as a collaborative project. In recent years, thenapkins almost always comebackhome in reasonably good shape. Early on, they were actually used for their intended purpose, and returned spotted with berry yogurt andmustard, if at all. At this point, however, neither kid uses them for anything besides decoration and social lubricant. Several years ago my older son reassured me, ““Oh, I only use the napkin to get attention. I wipe my hands on my clothes.” We have boxes of hundreds and hundreds of returned napkins at home. The boys enjoyed looking through them, revisiting their previous obsessions day by day, and leaving piles of napkins spread all over the apartment. A few years in, I started the napkin blog mostly because I was tired of picking up the used napkins and putting them back in the boxes. The blog allows the kids to look back at the entire Batman, or the “Star Wars characters riding dinosaurs,” themed napkins at one time with much less clean up. Now that they are older, they also like to read my commentary on the images and argue with me about it. Making the drawings nightly encouraged me to stay in touch with whatever my sons were obsessing about on a given day. Knowing a little more about, for instance, the annoying phrase that they are shouting repeatedly all week long helps to make it a bit easier to tolerate. I may find a video game that they adore mostly irritating, but if I have to discover something inside it that would be interesting to draw, I learn to appreciate it a little more. Now that both boys eat in the cafeteria and I no longer pack lunches during the school year, the napkins are no longer daily year round. During school, I make a couple a week for the “bank” so that they can be used for summer camp lunches. The napkins appear to be a habit that I can’t entirely shake. And I just don’t seem to draw as well on other surfaces. While the napkin drawings are clearly an indulgence, I do see them as a bit more than just that. I get something out of drawing them beyond just the positive effect on my relationship with my sons. I view the napkins as a sort of compulsory nightly drawing practice, an enforced pop culture update, and (in my most pretentious moments) a particularly long running sort of performance art. None of the napkins are notable works of visual art by themselves. But, well, there certainly are a lot of them, and the group comprises both a narrative of a particular cultural time and a personal relationship. Over 1400 of the napkins can be seen at 194 WESTONMAGAZINEGROUP.COM *



I got into the fifth grade because of comic books,” confesses author and illustrator Eric Velasquez. He’s presenting to a class at Guardian Angel School in Chelsea. Eight-year-olds in plaid uniforms seem to grow taller without leaving their seats as they study the image on the screen—a black-and-white photograph of the building in East Harlem where Velasquez grew up. Learning English as a second language, it was the pictures, and not the words, that inspired him to write. Page Turners, a volunteer-based program of the Archdiocese of New York, brings celebrated artists like Velasquez into inner- city schools where enrichment offerings like author visits are a challenge to implement without outside funding. The one-time workshops are no more than ninety minutes, built on the simple

premise that students can enhance their lives with just a pen and paper. Some artists, like Velasquez, keep the presentation informal. He chooses a student to model for an impromptu portrait—his easy sketch so vivid it could walk off the easel and take a seat in the classroom. The unique and unstructured setting of each Page Turners class allows students toapproachwritingwithanewunderstanding. Creative Director Lynn Pitts introduced eighth graders in the South Bronx to the basics of copywriting, challenging them to collaborate and make tag lines. Laurie Calkhoven encouraged kids at St. Ann School in East Harlem tomake nonfiction cool by transforming history. Other classes consider the creative process, experimenting with language, and how to confront and convey our feelings through writing. Some artists come to Page Turners from the greater New


York area. Others are returning to the neighborhoods where they first began to explore the world around them—a possible starting point for every young writer. “Don’t be afraid to draw a character that has your hair,” Jerry Craft tells students at Incarnation, just ten blocks away from his childhood home in Washington Heights. He even shares his vision for The Offenders , a book about bullying (with a twist): “If you were to write a story about a superhero in Washington Heights, would he really want

with Kevin Pilkington, who taught students to energize their writing with similes. The New York poet then prompted the class to stage their own reading. Seventh graders on the Lower East Side were empowered to become contemporary poets who wrote about God, basketball, and birthdays. Left with the tools to create their own writing community at St. Brigid, students wrote their own poetry collection—then sent a copy to Pilkington as a thank you. In Spring 2017, Page Turners will welcome

writers at every level to find their own voice. Additional support for Page Turners is needed to bring more artists into inner- city schools in the upcoming academic year. For more information about how to donate or volunteer, please contact Danielle Forsythe at (646) 794-3343 or


Back in Chelsea, Velasquez begins to dance the merengue. As the congas come through the classroom speakers, he reveals that the little boy who learns to dance in his book, Grandma’s Records , is based on him. Writing about his family and his culture helped him to erase the question mark in his identity; becoming an artist was a natural choice. When the song ends, students wave their hands in the air with questions, and a new rhythm. --- Caitlan Rossi’s work has recently appeared in The Louisville Review, The Westchester Review, Yellow Chair Review and Distraction Magazine. WESTONMAGAZINEGROUP.COM 197 *

to come outside in a long cape?” The gym fills with unadulterated laughter. “Maybe he wears a hoodie or some nice sneakers.” That’s Page Turners bringing motivation into the classroom on two feet. Page Turners celebrated poetry month

Annabel Monaghan, who will discuss choosing writing as a career, publishing, and her suspenseful young adult novel, A Girl Named Digit . Todd Strasser, author of over 140 books for teens and middle schoolers, will teach young students exercises that help


S U M M E R P R O G R A M S COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY – SUMMER 2017 New York, NY Columbia University’s Summer Sessions offer the opportunity to take classes or begin a certificate program fromacross the University. Taught by world-class faculty, courses are available in over 50 subject areas, including Arts, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Human Rights, International Affairs, Mathematics, Prelaw, and Statistics. Summer is a terrific time to learn something new, advance careers, and meet like-minded people in the setting of one of the

SMITH COLLEGE PRECOLLEGE SUMMER PROGRAMS Northampton, MA For talented young women entering grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 in fall 2017

Smith College Precollege Summer programs offer intellectually stimulating and unique opportunities for high school girls who wish

world’s most vibrant cities. Each summer, Columbia attracts students already enrolled in degree programs, individuals looking to improve their knowledge in anticipation of applying for higher education programs, professionals who want to move toward the next step in their career, and seeking personal enrichment through Postbaccalaureate studies. Summer students have access to the state-of-the-art student center, gym and recreational facilities, as well as one of the most renowned library collections in the nation. The varying academic needs and backgrounds of students who attend the Summer Sessions make the community one of the most diverse and dynamic on campus. Expert advisers help students customize a summer plan of action, whether they have their goals lined up and need a few more courses to fulfill

to pursue their academic interests in the classroom and beyond. Annually, these programs, offer 250 young women the freedom to explore challenging and intriguing subjects, to strengthen their college applications, and to increase their exposure to the Smith undergraduate experience while living and studying with other motivated and ambitious students from around the world. The program offerings include Summer Science and Engineering, Women’s Writing, Discovering Women’s History, Field Studies for Sustainable Futures, and a College Admission Workshop. Each summer, Smith welcomes to these programs young women from many nationalities and diverse racial and socio-economic backgrounds who together form an extraordinary intellectual community. The learning environment is hands-on, collaborative, exploratory, challenging and rich in role models. Professors who are world-class scholars offer personal attention in the classroom while encouraging students’ interests and passions and helping them develop new academic skills. Here young women are taken seriously and inspired to excel—as scholars, scientists, leaders.

them, or they’re starting a new career and want to deepen their knowledge in a field. Taking advantage of the resources of one of the world’s most esteemed universities can help any student reach his or her next step. Columbia University’s Summer Session 1 runs from May 22– June 30, 2017, and Summer Session 2 from July 3–August 11, 2017. Application deadlines begin inMay. To apply, see a complete summer calendar, and learn more about summer options at Columbia, visit In addition to classes for visiting and returning students, Columbia University’s Summer Programs for High School Students offer high-achieving students the opportunity to experience college life in the Ivy League while sampling the vibrancy of New York City as well as programs in Barcelona and online. All programs combine academic rigor and instructional excellence with lively extracurricular offerings and careful supervision and support. To learn more and apply, visit



PRE-COLLEGE PROGRAMS AT BROWN UNIVERSITY SUMMER 2017 Providence, RI A True Residential College Experience PRE-COL EGE PROGRAMS AT BROWN UNIVERSITY SUM ER 2017 Providence, RI A True Residential College Experience

THE COOPER UNION Albert Nerken School of Engineering Summer STEM Program New York, NY lbert r Su r

e r , e

New York City is positioning itself as a leader in engineering innovation and has seen a dramatic rise in tech startups in recent years. The Albert Nerken School of Engineering at the Cooper Union has been preparing high school students to pursue undergraduate careers in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM) fields r it i itself as a l i in ovati dra atic ris i in rece t . erke c l f at the r i prepari g hi pursue r science, e i i , and at e ti for over 2 .

Brown’s Pre-College Programs attract serious college-bound students from around the world. As a student, you’ll live in a Brown University residence hall, eat at a Brown dining hall, and join your fellow students on The College Green—just as you would if you were a Brown undergraduate. You will be surrounded by peers from diverse backgrounds and cultures—all sharing a passion for high-level academics and a desire to succeed at a selective institution like Brown University. A student who completes a Pre-College course is better prepared, more confident, and better positioned to succeed during one of the biggest transitions of his or her life: the move to college. Brown University: 250 Years of Academic Excellence Brown is known in the Ivy League for an innovative open curriculum that challenges students to be actively engaged in their own intellectual development. Pre-College Programs are an opportunity to explore this stimulating learning environment. Academics are at the program’s core, with more than 300 courses in one- to seven-week sessions on campus, online and abroad. Dive deeper into a subject you love or a new area of learning you may never have considered. You will face exciting challenges and accomplish more than you can imagine. Come to Brown Pre-College Programs to experience college life, prepare for academic success, and make new friends from around the world. Brown University Pre-College Programs Providence, Rhode Island Brown’s Pre-Colleg Programs attract serious college-bound students from around the world. As a student, you’ll ive in a Brown University residence hall, eat at a Brown dining hall, and join your fellow students on The College Gre n—just as you would if you wer a Brown underg aduate. You will be sur ounded by pe rs from diverse backgrounds and cultures—all sharing a pas ion for high-lev l ac demics and a desire to suc e d at a selective institu ion like Brown University. A student who completes a Pre-Colleg course is better prepared, more confident, and bet er positioned to succeed uring one of the big est ransitions of his or her life: the move to college. Brown University: 250 Years of Academic Excellence Brown is known in the Ivy League for an in ovative open curricul m that challenges students to be actively engaged in their own intell ctual dev lopment. Pre-College Programs are an opportunity to explore this timulating learning environ ent. Academics are at the program’s core, with more than 30 courses in one- to sev n-week se sions on campus, online and abroad. Dive deep r into a subject you love or a new area of learning you may nev r have consider d. You will face xcit ng challenges and accomplish more than you can imagine. Come to Brown Pre-College Programs to experience col ege life, prepare for ac demic success, and make new friends fro around the world. Brown University Pre-Colleg Programs Providence, Rhode Island er

VALLEY FORGE MILITARY ACADEMY AND COLLEGE Students work closely with Cooper Union instructors and teaching assistants at the forefront of engineering education. Projects range broadly and include robotics, digital fabrication, computer programming and app development, engineering entrepreneurship, biomedical and genetic engineering, improved urban infrastructure, and even race car design. Faculty and teaching assistants from the departments of civil, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering provide students with foundational knowledge and expert guidance to address real-world problems in their respective disciplines of expertise. Students also attend workshops on oral presentation skills, technical writing, career counseling, and college admissions. They are given access to Cooper Union’s library resources, computer facilities, and laboratories to perform their research, design, analysis, and prototyping. Typically, projects include at least one field trip to a local museum, exhibition, or gallery to enhance the students’ experience. This program culminates with each group submitting a technical paper or comprehensive website summarizing their research and design, and presenting their work to an audience of invited guests. To recognize their successful completion of the program students will receive a certificate of achievement from the Albert Nerken School of Engineering. Program Timing: July 10 th – August 17 th , 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday-Thursday Location: The Cooper Union New Academic Building at 41 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003 Eligibility: Current high school sophomores and juniors living LL OR ILI ARY ACADEMY AND CO LEGE i i ti , c t r e rship, i fr str cture, ist ts fro t l, ele t ical, and mechanical engine ri r i l le ge and expert g i t t ir res ective discipli es f i Stude ts ls t ti ski ls, technical writi , issi s. They are give a t s, ter facilities, a l , esign, analysis, a t l t least one field tri t l l t a ce the stude ts’ e ri . is r r l i ti tec ical paper or c i s rc and desig , a r i f i it g ests. To recog iz t i st ents il receive ti l rt erken Scho l of E i i . Progra i i : July 10 th t rs ay Locati : e C r i 41 Co er , Eligibilit : ur e t i i for over 25 years. The Summer STEM Program is an intensive, six- week experience that immerses students in hands-on engineering design and problem solving, thereby placing students on the right track for careers in technological innovation. i t sive, six- e k ex eri t i ering desig a r l t t e right track for car r i Stude ts w r l as ista ts at t a teac ing ti . r jects range br a l progra i bio e ical and eve r the de art ter

and going to school in the Greater NYC area Find out more at: Contact us with questions: and g i t Find o t r t: ontact s it .




SUMMERTECH AT PURCHASE COLLEGE, SUNY Purchase, NY On the campus of Purchase College, SUNY, SummerTech has offered the most complete summer technology camp experience designed for rising 4th graders to rising 10th graders since 2002. SummerTech offers weeklong continuing courses in Java, Python, and Web coding, Animation, 3D Modeling, Film Editing and more. Each class is taught at a 3:1 student to teacher ratio, which gives campers the best opportunity to learn at their own pace while working closely with smart, hard-working teachers. SummerTech has earned a reputation of having the most effective and rigorous coding classes for children offered anywhere. “Our data over the last five years shows that a camper attending three weeks of SummerTech, which is 45 hours of coding lessons, can reach a college sophomore coding level,” says SummerTech academic director Matthew Baptist. Aside from the academics, SummerTech offers elective classes, outdoor sports and recreation, arts and crafts, a phenomenal social scene, and of course, our famous nightly gaming tournaments. Each day at SummerTech is an event and each week has its own themes and flavors. Built into SummerTech’s model is a leadership program that begins at a camper’s summer between 9th and 10th grade. Any veteran camper is offered a counselor-in-training week to display their work ethic and team player skills so that they may acquire a Junior Teacher position in their following summer. Almost all of our staff are former campers who have risen to the top to become leaders and teachers and give back the experience they received as campers. SummerTech is offering five individual weeks starting June 25th, 2017. Camp is designed for you to attend any and as many weeks as you choose. You will never repeat your work; our curriculum is built for the individual. We will accommodate you! Most importantly, SummerTech provides an inclusive, warm, and welcoming atmosphere where everyone is accepted for who they are. We understand you because we are you. Nothing is more vital to us than your happiness and comfort while you’re with us at camp. Registration is now open at or 1-866-814- TECH (8324). Our founder and operator, Steven Fink, will take your calls and emails and give you personal service to get you set up for the best summer ever. Day camp is $1250 and overnight accommodations are an additional $600. Save $100 per week if you sign up before January 30! SummerTech, Purchase College, SUNY 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577 866-814-TECH (8324)


The Boston Leadership Institute offers award-winning summer STEM research programs at the Dana Hall School, a premier private preparatory and boarding school located in Wellesley, MA. Students develop high-level research skills and subject matter expertise that strengthen credentials valuable for college admissions, interviews, and essays. High achieving 8th graders through rising high school seniors apply and undergo a selective admissions process.

The Boston Leadership Institute was named among five top summer science programs in the country by New York Times subsidiary,, in 2012 and was again included when the list was updated in 2015. The Boston Leadership Institute was named, Top 101 Best Summer Camps, appearing among three top academic summer programs on the 2013 list.

Programs are led by teachers who hold major teaching awards, teach at top ranked schools, and/or hold advanced degrees from universities such as Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. Students take advantage of Boston’s prime location to visit premier research universities such as Harvard and MIT as well as world-renowned hospitals. Boston contains one of the world’s heaviest concentrations of leading biotech and pharmaceutical companies and students tour these as well. Graduates have been accepted by top universities all over the world, including Yale, Dartmouth, McGill, Tufts, Columbia, Michigan, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, and Cornell. Students from 35 states and 10 foreign countries enjoyed hands-on research programs last summer. Comparable numbers of males and females attend. Dana Hall is located in Wellesley, MA, one of Boston’s most affluent suburbs, and is a 7-minute walk to the commuter rail providing access to downtown Boston. Fully equipped science labs contain state-of- the-art features. For students choosing to board, dormitories are air-conditioned and contain kitchens. The beautifully landscaped campus contains beautiful playing fields, tennis courts, and basketball courts. The indoor recreational complex contains a 21,000-square-foot gymnasium with two NCAA regulation-size basketball courts; a three- lane, suspended indoor track; an Aquatics Center featuring a 25-yard, six-lane pool; squash courts; and a large exercise roomwith pond-views. Boarding students also enjoy weekend trips to Boston, the second most popular tourist destination in the country and a magnet for students. Three-week STEM research programs are offered in Applied Physics Research; Biological Research; Biomedical and Surgical Research; Biomedical Research: Contagious Disease; Biomedical Research: Genetics and Clinical Trials; Chemistry Research; Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry Research; Engineering Research; Marine Biology; Neuroscience Research; and STEM Entrepreneurship. Visit our website: or call 617 283-4825.


SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY’S SUMMER COLLEGE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Syracuse, NY Students enjoy the college experience – in high school When Sean Dick was in high school in Brooklyn, New York, he was quite certain that he would study engineering when he went to college. Prior to his senior year, Sean enrolled in Syracuse University’s Summer College for High School Students, and a whole new world of options opened up. “At Syracuse, I studied management and entrepreneurship – it was an eye opener for me.” Sean’s two-week college experience didn’t necessarily change his mind about engineering, but it made him decide to explore other career paths. “I now see other things I like, and I really do consider creating a business. It’s something that could benefit society.” Syracuse’s Summer College program features more than 30 different 2, 3, 4, and 6-week credit and non-credit programs ranging from architecture to acting and musical theater, to web design. Students explore their interests, build a portfolio, and experience life on a college campus. It helps them beef up their resume as they prepare for the college application process, and gives them a taste of the independence they’ll experience when they actually go away to college. “It took me out of my comfort zone,” Sean recalls, “and it gave me information about real college courses. I learned that you get your work done first, and then relax afterward because it will catch up to you.”


Founded in 1877, Rhode Island School of Design (or “RIZ-dee” for the acronym RISD) is one of the oldest and best-known colleges of art and design in the U.S. The college is located in Providence, Rhode Island, which offers its own vibrant art scene and is conveniently located between two other major cultural centers: Boston and New York. Students at RISD access the institution’s one-of-a-kind Edna W. Lawrence Nature Lab, RISDMuseum featuring more than 86,000 works of fine and decorative art and the RISD Fleet Library, recently named by Travel + Leisure as one of America’s most beautiful college libraries. Pre-College Each summer, 400+ high school students from around the world come to RISD for a comprehensive introduction to the college art school experience. Definitely not an arts camp, the six-week residential Pre-College program is focused, serious and challenging. Students experience the core elements of a RISD education – critical thinking and artmaking – in foundation drawing and design courses, critical studies in art, and a concentration in one of 21 diverse majors. RISD Pre-College students have varied backgrounds and choose the program for many reasons: to find out if the arts is the right choice for them, to further pursue their art or to build their portfolio for college applications. Whatever the catalyst, students attending RISD Pre-College have one thing in common–they are passionate about art and design and are seeking an incomparable arts education and summer experience. Summer Studies RISD’s Summer Studies program in the visual arts and design encompasses a wide spectrum of interests to meet the needs of beginning, intermediate and advanced students. Students from colleges and universities around the world, as well as art and design professionals interested in new creative experiences, are drawn to RISD’s vibrant artistic community. Scores of accomplished, award-winning artists, designers and educators – including members of RISD’s degree program faculty – teach in the summer programs. Courses include introductions to fine art fundamentals such as drawing and painting, as well as specialized areas of study such as architecture and industrial design, or graphic design, as offered through the Summer Institute of Graphic Design Studies. In addition, RISDGlobal Summer Programs offer travel-learning opportunities for students interested in understanding the role of art and design in various cultures. Whether augmenting current college curriculum or broadening professional skills, RISD Summer Studies offers students a unique, intense and exceptional learning experience.

For Maheer Azad, Summer College was an opportunity to make friends from around the world. “I had friends from Thailand, Shanghai, and the Netherlands,” he says. “My Summer College friends are like family to me.” He enjoyed his summer experience so much that he decided to attend Syracuse University when he graduated from high school.

Programs like Economics, Engineering, and Graphic Design are all popular for students exploring future major options. Then there are programs like Writing at the College Level and Presentational Speaking that help students develop college-ready skills and give them an edge when they actually enroll. Living in a residence hall, attending campus events, and enjoying local destinations gives students a preview of college opportunities and responsibilities. “The college experience, in a structured environment, is a step between high school restrictions and the ‘anything goes’ of college,” says one parent. “Don’t ever pass up the chance to earn college credits,” says Maheer Azad. There’s nothing I would take back from my Summer College experience. I enjoyed every second!”


FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION More than 250 courses at two New York campuses, in Manhattan and the Bronx Fordham University invites visiting college students and rising high school seniors to catch up or get ahead this summer. Meet your goals with day and evening classes in two convenient locations, affordable tuition rates, and top-tier instruction. Because of Fordham’s strong academic reputation, credits usually transfer easily. Looking for work experience? Fordham’s Summer in the City Internship Program helps students secure New York internships, receive credit, andmake themost of their positionswith valuable career guidance. Need to fulfill pre-med requirements? Fordham’s extensive offerings in biology, chemistry, physics, andmathematics help you stay on track for graduate or medical school applications. Did you switch or add a major? Core and advanced classes in every discipline can help you catch up on requirements and graduate on time. Special programs include the five-week Musical Theatre Summer Intensive, offered by Fordham’s renowned theatre department. The course titledU.N. and Political Leadership will give students an inside track to learning about diplomacy. For those considering a career in law, the Fordham Pre-Law Institute will cover the fundamentals of the U.S. legal system and help students prepare for the law school admission process. Pre-College Program Getting serious about applying tocollege?Consider the advantages of taking a class at Fordham this summer: You’ll earn transferable college credits, learn something new, strengthen your college applications, and gain real college experience in the classroom and beyond so you can choose the right school for you. This program is meant for the summer between junior and senior year of high school. Think Summer, Think Fordham. Call 718-817-4665 or Fordham for High School Students Pre-College Program: July 5 –August 8, 2017 Manhattan, Bronx Make the most of the summer before your senior year: • Earn college credit. • Enroll in one of several exciting college courses and gain experience at a top-ranked research university close to home. • Strengthen your college application with a proven record of your abilities. Learn more program includes intensive training in musical theatre, vocal technique, dance, acting, and theatre games. Classwork is brought to life by weekly attendance of Broadway, off-Broadway, and off-off Broadway shows. Highlights for summer 2017: Taught by the former ambassador of Iraq to the United Nations, T. Hamid al Bayati, a


Westcoast Connection / 360° Student Travel has inspired more than 31,000 teens over 34 summers of life-changing travel experiences that enhance their awareness of the world around them while increasing their understanding of themselves along theway.Westcoast Connection offers Pre-College Enrichment, Community Service, Language Programs, Global Adventures and Active Teen Tours for students completing 7th through 12th grades. Explore over 100 incredible itineraries ranging from 9 to 40 days. Popular destinations include the USA, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, Cambodia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam. Featured program: Pre-College Enrichment California on the campus of UCLA Our course offering covers a wide range of interests – plus college admission workshops. Get an introduction to filmmaking with the NewYork FilmAcademy; meet notable engineers at leading companies with the Popular Mechanics STEM Experience; join the Seventeen Fashion Experience and learn from the publishing teams about what it takes for an issue to hit the newsstands; or take an Entrepreneurship or Psychology class taught by UCLA Extension Instructors. Featured program: Thailand Community Service Become part of a team where you commit yourself to community projects and supporting your fellow volunteers. Rewarding service with Chiang Rai Special Education School, Patara Elephant Farm

and the Lahu Tribal Village will deepen your understanding and relationship with your host nation.

Featured program: Greece & Italy Global Adventure

This small group experience ventures from Rome and the Italian countryside to the Greek mountains and Cyclades islands. SCUBA dive off the coast of Naxos,

raft in the heart of the Peloponnese, and explore the red, white and black sand beaches of Santorini. Top it all off with authentic dinners

overlooking the mesmerizing sunsets. More about Westcoast Connection

Our full-time team and Company Directors have over 379 summers of combined experience working with teens. Along with certified instructors and expert guides, our incredible depth and reserve of resources are unrivalled and critical to providing you with the highest quality programs. Call us! We’d love to hear from you. Wetakepleasureinprovidingfanaticalcustomerserviceforyourneeds – the more we understand who you are, the better we can recommend the most suitable summer experience. There are many subtle differences (and some large ones) in choosing the perfect travel or educational program and having that conversation with you is an important start. Visit our new website to see detailed program descriptions, re views and more information. 866.925.2370




THE EXPERIMENT IN INTERNATIONAL LIVING Discovering the Human Spirit in Germany–By Cia We visited a high school and talked to German youth in different grades. At first, I thought that we would just be talking to random teenagers about a specific topic and exchange ideas. But it turned out that wasn’t the case. We did a few icebreakers and then we were given an hour or so of free time to get to know one another even further. It wasn’t until I started talking to a student named Zara that I realized where we were. Johanna-Eck School is a German high school in Berlin whose mission is to educate and integrate migrants. Zara, for example, was 14 when he left his family behind in Syria and went to Germany in order to escape the war. For two years, he’s been living alone and hasn’t had the opportunity to see his family. So many other students had similar stories of seeking asylum in Germany because of the safety and overall better life that Germany could provide them. Meeting the teenagers also reinforced the idea that just because someone seems happy, doesn’t mean that they aren’t hurting. All of the students were so nice and welcoming and I doubt that any of us would have known that the students were refugees if they had not shared their stories with us. I learned a lot from the students and would love to have another opportunity to speak to them. Cia participated in The Experiment’s Germany: Contemporary Politics and The European Union last summer. She and the other Experimenters spent time in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands exploring German politics, contemporary youth culture, and the European Union during a four-week program. The Experiment in International Living has been offering immersive experiential learning programs abroad since 1932. Programs are designed to equip participants not only with essential cultural skills and, inmany cases, language skills, but also with a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to critical global issues shaping the diverse communities and regions we visit. All students participate in a homestay, spending a portion of the program living as a member of a local host family, joining in the family’s daily lives and activities. Questions? 1-800-345-2929 | Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: experimentabroad

Be Part of the City The Summer Pre-College Program at Wagner College advances the education of talented and intellectually curious high school students. Our residential summer program allows ambitious high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors to become Wagner students for the summer with a unique opportunity

to explore the greatest city in the world, New York City. If you are adventurous, highly motivated, and passionate about making a difference in the world, Wagner College is where you belong. As a Pre-College student, you will experience college-level academics in a small class setting while exploring new subjects. Our instructors are all experts in their fields and are fully committed to sharing their expertise, passion, and experience with all students. Ranging from one-week intensives to three-week programs, each course will help you get a jump on your college education by earning up to 6 credits. The pre-college program is designed to challenge your critical thinking and problem solving skills, both in the classroom and during exciting field trips. Rather than focusing on one subject, each academic program track is paired with a course in a different discipline. Living at Wagner Residential students will have the added benefit of experiencing campus life as an independent student while forming new friendships. When not in class, you will be able to explore the vibrant New York City. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet with college counselors who will help prepare you for the challenges of the college admission process. Dollar for dollar, the tuition for the Summer Pre-College Program is a substantial savings of more than half the regular cost of college credit courses at Wagner College and similar institutions. But the real value lies in the independence learned, confidence gained, and sense that you are on your way towards being college ready. The Wagner College Difference Immerse yourself in a curriculum incorporating both classroom and off-campus experiences that models the nationally-recognized undergraduate curriculum, The Wagner Plan for the Practical Liberal Arts , where “Learning by Doing” is the focus. It is the bridge that connects your experiences in class, across campus, and around New

York City to your specific goals for tomorrow. For additional information, call 718-390-3221 Email




WHERE THERE BE DRAGONS Global citizenship & leadership programs in the developing world since 1993

GLOBAL ROUTES You’re curious and adventurous. You’re dedicated to strengthening our global community. You’re far more than a traveler. You are Global Routes. Global Routes pioneers innovative, value-driven, experiential international education. The New York Times calls us “one of the most respected [organizations] in the field.” Over the past 50 years, we’ve led over 10,000 high school and college students on programs around the world. Our blend of community service, adventure travel, cross-cultural exchange, and language immersion changes lives. We believe safe, authentic, fun, inspirational international programs require the right combination of meaningful service, deep cultural immersion, and outdoor adventure—all made possible by a highly trained and caring staff. Our student travelers gain profound perspective on new cultures, the world, and themselves. “It changed everything for me!” -Emily, Ecuador/Galapagos Student. Our Program Model: Orientation, Immersion, Adventure Orientation: Each program begins with program orientation in a spectacular location. In Ecuador it’s the Andes, in Tanzania it’s Mt. Meru, and in Costa Rica it’s the rainforest. Program leaders and local experts teach the language, culture, and traditions of the host country. Lifelong friendships develop within the group. This early bonding lays a powerful foundation for the cultural immersion ahead. Community Immersion: The hallmark of a Global Routes program is an authentic immersion experience. We spend most of our program time in one rural community working on one primary service project selected by that community. Projects are typically construction-based. We may build a school, a community health center, or work on an irrigation system. Students also initiate secondary projects of their own design. We run sports and arts camps. We start recycling, composting, tree planting, or community literacy and health initiatives. Students arrive as visitors, work their projects, experience the daily rhythm of life alongside their hosts, then depart as family. Final Travel: Beauty and adventure create the backdrop for the final days of each program. The group reflects on their experience and celebrates their success. We work with professional guides and outfitters to craft thrilling peak experiences. We end on a high. Kayaking, snorkeling, whitewater rafting, surf camp, sailing, safari, learning traditional arts and music, visiting local festivals, ancient cities, geographic wonders—it’s all possible. Final Travel locations include Zanzibar, the Nepalese Himalaya, the Galapagos Islands, and uninhabited Caribbean islands. Ready to change your life? Take the first step: Contact us today at 413 585 8895 or at Visit us at

Mapmakers once drew Dragons to represent lands unknown. Bold explorers who ventured beyond the map’s edge were said to go “where there be dragons”… Where There Be Dragons is the leader in cross-cultural education. We offer 4/6 week high school summer programs and 3 month Gap Year semester courses for students ages 15-22. On every course, a team of 3 experienced instructors guide students off the map’s edge to engage them in an intensive exploration of place and of self in 17 different countries around the world.

We are dedicated to cross- cultural education because we believe that future leaders will be required to think beyond border and tribe when considering the affects of resource scarcity on a global community. Our summer and semester programs are designed to give young adults the cross- cultural competencies and self-

awareness to be active participants in this conversation. What makes a Dragons course different? A Dragons course is agile. We hire experts. With an average of 4+ years of in-country experience, Dragons Instructors are able to communicate in local dialects and offer expert excellent adult mentorship throughout the student experience. Cultural fluency allows instructor teams to manage responsive itineraries and capitalize on unexpected learning opportunities. A Dragons course is bold. We don’t charter buses and when possible we stay with families rather than in hotels. We believe that traveling “close to the ground” allows us to connect more intimately across cultures. We welcome a crowded public bus or an unexpected cup of tea as a learning opportunity. A Dragons course is instructor-driven. Individual instructor teams collaborate to design a customized course itinerary based on their personal in-country experience and the interests of their incoming student group. This offers students a unique voice in the course design process and it offers our instructors the opportunity to be creative as they execute their own vision. A Dragons course is not designed to be easy. It is designed to challenge every student and offer unique insights into the critical global issues of our time. Going ‘ where there be dragons ’ takes courage… we still go there. Will you? Toll Free: 1-800-982-9203 For more information:



H I G H E R E D U C A T I O N SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia; Hong Kong; Lacoste, France; and online through SCAD eLearning Miles of coastline. Verdant parks. Bustling metropolises. Pastoral vistas. SCAD is one university across four distinct locations and eLearning, offering endless inspiration — and the perfect backdrop for your brilliant future. From the fast-paced cultural epicenter of Atlanta to the international vibrancy of Hong Kong, from the luminous landscapes of Lacoste to the coastal charm of Savannah, each SCAD location is designed to help talented students launch global creative careers. Join an award-winning legacy SCAD offers the most art and design degrees of any university in the U.S., with more than 100 unique programs of study across 42 disciplines and 70 minors. SCAD has pioneered nearly 17 unique programs of study worldwide, including the first user experience (UX) design degree created with Google. These academic programs consistently earn international accolades. The undergraduate and graduate interior design programs ranked No. 1 in the U.S. by DesignIntelligence in 2016— the fifth consecutive year the undergraduate program earned the top spot. The SCAD graduate fashion programs are also No. 1 in the world for “Best Learning Experience” and “Best Long-term Value” as well as No. 1 overall in the U.S., as determined by London-basedThe Business of Fashion. Across all programs, renowned faculty, career advisers, remarkable resources and real-world collaborations prepare students for professional success. According to a recent study, 98 percent of Spring 2015 graduates were employed, pursuing further education or both within 10 months of graduation. Celebrate art and design at international SCAD events Step into the spotlight at SCAD signature events featuring the world’s pre-eminent artists, designers and entrepreneurs. Annual SCAD signature events include the Savannah Film Festival, SCAD Fashion Show, SCAD deFINE ART, SCADstyle, Sidewalk Arts Festival, aTVfest, SCAD Sand Arts Festival and the Game Developers eXchange. These internationally acclaimed celebrations allow students one-on- one interaction with master artists, designers and icons in their fields. Guests who have lectured, critiqued and taught master classes include Alec Baldwin, Lee Daniels, Arianna Huffington, Mindy Kaling, Stan Lee, Zac Posen, Saoirse Ronan, Alexander Wang and more. Cheer on SCAD athletics As thefirst art anddesignuniversity in theU.S. tooffer a comprehensive intercollegiate athletics program, SCAD is actively dedicated to helping student-athletes develop their talents to the fullest —on and off the field. With intercollegiate and intramural sports available in Atlanta and Savannah, SCAD men’s and women’s athletics teams have achieved more than 125 team and individual national championships across sports, including recent national titles in equestrian, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming and tennis. Discover the university for creative careers Learn more at

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE International Summer Programmes SUMMER PROGRAMMES FOR UNDERGRADUATES, GRADUATES AND ADULT LEARNERS Over the centuries, the University of Cambridge has helped to shape and change the world through innovative ideas and groundbreaking discoveries: 96 of its affiliates have won Nobel Prizes. The University’s International Summer Programmes (9 July–19 August 2017) offer a heady mixture of tradition and innovation, as new and returning students absorb the atmosphere of this remarkable place,


learning from some of its finest academics – and from each other. The programmes have a reputation for excellent teaching, fascinating courses, and intriguing lectures. Every year, graduates, undergraduates and other adults of all ages and backgrounds bring their learning and life experience to the classroom. There is no shortage of new ideas and opinions. Over 170 courses make up our open-access programmes: Science, Literature, Shakespeare, Creative Writing, Ancient and Classical Worlds, History, Medieval Studies and Interdisciplinary . Some students stay for all six weeks, others just for one or two. The Interdisciplinary Programme comprises three independent two- week terms, which allow for two-, four- and six-week study periods. You can focus on courses in the same discipline, or choose courses in different subject fields. The three-week English Law and Legal Methods Programme is primarily for lawyers and law students with no knowledge of the English legal system. Adding to the academic experience, you can choose to stay in one of four historic Cambridge Colleges. Each is different in character, but all offer a warm welcome and the opportunity to meet fellow students studying other subjects. Participants become familiar with Cambridge in a way that few are privileged to experience as they enjoy meals in magnificent dining halls and have time to discover a city that tourists seldom see. Long, light summer days provide opportunities to explore the beautiful Colleges, visit the many museums and art galleries, relax in a punt on the river, or share a traditional English tea in nearby Grantchester. In the evenings there are talks, concerts and ceilidhs (traditional folk dances). At weekends, you can join excursions to Shakespeare plays at Stratford-upon-Avon and the GlobeTheatre, and visit Hampton Court Palace and other heritage sites. Our Programmes offer a rich and rewarding mix of range, teaching quality, academic rigour, accessibility, people and place. It all adds up to a winning combination of innovation and tradition: the best of bothworlds. Apply online: or email:

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