ERA and EI Action Plan

What changes will be made for EI 2024?

Develop a definition of approach to impact and additional guidance ♦ The ARC will develop a definition for approach to impact. Clarity on the definition of approach to

Number of impact studies proportionate to UoA size and capacity

Self-determined EI Indicators

Expanding definition of research end-user

Implementation of expanded EI rating scale



♦ The definition of research end-user will be expanded to include publicly funded research organisations, and will focus on the nature of the impact or the intent of the activity, rather than the nature of the organisation.

♦ The ARC will develop a calculation methodology to determine the number of impact studies to be submitted per unit of assessment. ♦ The number will be proportionate to the size and capacity of the discipline area. ♦ Any increase will be modest.

♦ The ARC will work to develop an expanded, more granular and

♦ The exception to this will occur where the ARC may be able to capture data to provide streamlining benefits such as data for HDR student co- supervision with research end-users. the indicators that demonstrate the effectiveness of each UoA’s engagement activities, to be included in narratives. ♦ The ARC will allow universities to determine

meaningful rating scale for engagement, impact and approach to impact.

impact will provide for clearer expectations for universities and assessors.

♦ Additional guidance will be developed drawing on examples from previous impact studies and engagement narratives.


This change will be immediate. ARC will work with DESE on the opportunities that may be available to use HDR data as an engagement indicator. Further advice will be included in the EI 2024 submission guidelines by the 1st half of 2022.

♦ The new definition of research end-user will be used in the EI 2024 submission guidelines by the 1st half of 2022.

The ARC will consult with universities during the 2nd half of 2021. The new definition of approach to impact will be used in the EI 2024 submission guidelines by the 1st half of 2022.

The ARC will consult with universities during the 2nd half of 2021 to develop a calculation methodology for determining the number of required impact studies. The calculation methodology will be used for EI 2024.

The ARC will consult with universities during the 2nd half of 2021. The new rating scale will be included in the EI 2024 assessment handbook in the 2nd half of 2022.

*Timeframes are indicative


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