
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : THE MULTIFACETED NEW MISS TEEN PRESCOTT-RUSSELL 2019 ALEXIA MARSILLO

JOUFSFTUFEJOGBTIJPOBOECFBVUZ CVUBMTP in sports. She plays basketball for the Hawkesbury Selects and participates in school sports at Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute. ,BMFJHIJTBMTPBOBSUJTUmTIFJTNPTU JOUFSFTUFEJOESBXJOHQPSUSBJUT BTDIPPM that she says she taught herself. She also spends some of her free time volunteering at the Vankleek Hill Sports Club. “There are so many activities here that we DBOIFMQFODPVSBHF uTBJE,BMFJHIi*XBOU UPQSPNPUFUPVSJTNJO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMu %JBHOPTFEXJUI5ZQF*%JBCFUFTBCPVU UISFFZFBSTBHP ,BMFJHIIBTCFDPNFNPSF responsible than most other 14-year-olds and has had to overcome the struggles of needing to adapt her way of life. She plans on working closely with her coach to embrace her role as an ambas- TBEPSSFQSFTFOUBUJWFPGUIFSFHJPO IPQFGVMMZ inspiring other young girls to pursue their dreams. ,BMFJHIBOEIFSDPBDIBMTPJOUFOEUP PSHBOJ[FGVOESBJTFSTBOENFFUBOEHSFFUT  UPCPUIIFMQ,BMFJHISBJTFNPOFZGPSUIF .JTT0OUBSJP&BTU1BHFBOUBOEUPJOUSPEVDF UIF.JTT5FFO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMUPUIFDPN - NVOJUZ FTQFDJBMMZUIFZPVUI Anyone interested can contact Lynn (BVWSFBV at

On top of being a hard-working athlete, a self-taught artist and an enthused com- munity volunteer, 14-year-old Kaleigh Allard now has one more item to add to her resume: Miss Teen Prescott-Russell 2019. The young girl from Hawkesbury was re- DFOUMZDSPXOFE.JTT5FFO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM  on her way to representing the region at the .JTT5FFO0OUBSJP&BTU1BHFBOUJO.BZ “I’m very lucky to have found her here in )BXLFTCVSZuTBJE-ZOO(BVWSFBV %JSFD - UPSPG5&SB.PEFMT$BOBEBBOE,BMFJHIT pageant coach.

The young girl from Hawkesbury was recently crowned Miss Teen Prescott-Russell,

i,BMFJHISFBMMZDPNQMJNFOUFEFWFSZUIJOH that I was looking for and she understands NZWJTJPOPGCFJOH.JTT5FFO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMM and how you become an ambassador and BWPJDFGPSUFFOTu5IFSFJTOPEPVCUUIBU ,BMFJHIIBTXIBUJUUBLFTUPCFBSPMFNPEFM for younger girls in the community. She strikes a balance between a teenager

Kaleigh Allard, 14 ans, de Hawkesbury est une athlète, une artiste, une bénévole communautaire et maintenant la nouvelle Miss Teen Prescott-Russell 2019. Son maquillage a été faite par Blush by Jackie. —photos fournies par Alberto Ponce Photography


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Samedi dernier, plus de 75 exposants se sont installés au Centre communautaire de Bourget afin de participer à la collecte de fonds pour autisme Ontario, section Ottawa, organisée par Ann Alys Fournier et Julie St-Denis. Plus d’une centaine de visiteurs ont déferlé sur les lieux. —photo Annie Lafortune

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