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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
The OCTP aids local transit and inter- municipal bus service programs in areas which do not have regular public transit. Both the City of Clarence-Rockland and Rus- sell Township have their community transit services which connect with OCTranspo in Ottawa. The UCPR wants to set up a five-year pilot project to determine public demand for a regional inter-municipal transit service. PR Transpo? i8FXJMMTUBSUPSHBOJ[JOHQVCMJDNFFUJOHT u said Lavigne, “to put in place at least two SPVUFTQFSEBZ àWFEBZTBXFFLu The public meetings will explain the proj- ect to residents and get their suggestions and comments to help determine the route the transit system will follow around Prescott- Russell, to which communities, where the stops are located, and what pickup and
A new public transit project is in the works for all of Prescott-Russell. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell has received reconfirmation of provincial funding for a five-year pilot project to de- velop and operate an inter-municipal transit program for the Prescott-Russell region. The $1.5 million Ontario Community Transporta- tion Program grant (OCTP) was approved MBTU.BZEVSJOHUIFMBTUEBZTPGUIF8ZOOF Liberal government, but then all OCTP grants were suspended following the June provincial election when the Progressive Conservatives came to power. i8FIBEUPXBJU uTBJE$BSPMF-BWJHOF UCPR economic development and tourism director, during a January 30 phone interview.
Le dossier de la gare de Bourget est encore un dossier important, selon le maire de Clarence-Rockland, Guy Desjardins. C’est ce qu’a souligné celui-ci lors de la réunion du budget le 22 janvier dernier. « Nous sommes propriétaires de la gare, mais pas du terrain, a-t-il souligné. S’il y a des problèmes, on bougera la bâtisse. » La conseillère du quartier huit, Diane Choinière a, pour sa part fait valoir que la gare n’est pas juste la gare de Bourget, mais bel et bien la gare de l’Ensemble de la communauté. « Plusieurs personnes de la région prenaient le train là. » —photo Francis Racine
Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) ont obtenu la confirmation d’un financement provincial de 1,5 M$ pour un projet pilote de cinq ans, visant un programme de transport en commun intermunicipal dans la région de Prescott- Russell, y compris un autobus accessible aux personnes handicapées. Le personnel des CUPR organisera une série de réunions de consultation publique au printemps, afin d’expliquer le projet aux résidents de la région et d’obtenir de la rétroaction pour faciliter la planification et l’établissement des itinéraires. —archives dropoff schedule best works. Axion, an Ottawa consultant firm, will work on the project for the UCPR. The counties XJMMBMTPDPOTVMUXJUIBEP[FOMPDBMBOE regional social service, health, and education HSPVQTPOUIFQSPKFDU8BSEFO3PCFSU,JSCZ said, during a phone interview, that careful planning is essential for the project. i8FOFFEUPLOPXXIBULJOEPGTFSWJDF XFXJMMIBWF uIFTBJE BEEJOHUIBUUIFQJMPU project must not go over budget. The $1.5 million provincial grant will go towards the cost of purchasing a 20-pas- senger wheelchair-accessible bus for the program, fuel and maintenance costs, and hiring a driver. The UCPR will also provide $20,000 a year in its budget for the proj- FDU-BWJHOFTEFQBSUNFOUXJMMNPOJUPSBOE report on ridership numbers to determine UIFQSPHSBNTWJBCJMJUZ i'PSOPX XFSFWFSZHMBEUPIBWFUIF NPOFZUPEPUIFàWFZFBSQJMPUQSPHSBN u said Lavigne, “and see if it is feasible, and JGJUJTVTFECZUIFQFPQMFu
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