TFA Strategic Articulation & Fund Development Strategy




• Aordable housing education • Almost completed Tucker Avenue • Lift up the CLT Model • Provide education • TFA provides more resources to support Historic Trust’s Preservation Initiative

• TFA advocates and lobbies for city moving forward on housing aordability act • Current City IZ Policy is enforced city wide as an inclusionary policy • DCA is including an equity score in the annual QAP • PSE edit tool and TFA’s Equity Evaluator tools are aligned • Preserving aordability à Assistance FUND (i.e., Eviction Prevention Fund) • Warranty of Habitability

Housing Vision - Everyone has access to healthy, safe and aordable housing options that link them to transit, education, jobs and health services. Headline Indicator: • Usage of Equity Calculator • Equity Evaluator Scorecard

• Living Transit Fund • Families smiling in front of

their homes, with easy access to MARTA and other transit options, proud of their communities

• TFA and partners cross promote arts and cultures events and strongly encourage community and memberships to support and attend. • Host ‘TFA huddles’ during arts and culture events

• Pilot training to equip artists and those working on cross-sector issues to learn from one another

Arts and Place Vision - Artists, arts administrators and creative entrepreneurs are recognized in playing a pivotal role in community development and inclusive placemaking Headline Indicator: Attendance at arts and culture events

• Beautiful community centered arts festival (think Freak Nik meets Afro Punk) drawing people from all over the country

• Showcasing key organizations that support a living wage • Highlighting detractors of a living wage in the communities TFA serves • Connecting and engaging job training and workforce development programs that have the capacity to serve/train our community • Developing job training and employment tracking across all TFA organizations to ensure well trained participants

• A centralized digital resource that allows people to view all of their job training options in the TFA ecosystem • Living wage calculator in each community (tool) • Entrepreneurship Pathways (Highlight membership, supportive, connective, etc.)

Jobs Vision – Residents in low-income

communities have access to sustainable jobs, training, and education programs, as well as inclusive opportunities for economic advancement.

• All jobs have livable wages with a percentage (to be determined) of community wages on par with higher standards of living. • Whatever you want to do with your life you can earn a living wage doing it • Low-income does not equate to under resourced or limited opportunities • The region stops supporting/ subsidizing corporations that don’t support livable wages

Headline Indicator: Usage of Equity Calculator



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