3.0 STRATEGIC ARTICULATION MAP Hummingbird Firm led TFA members through a needs assessment by using the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results (SOAR) analysis approach. This appreciative inquiry technique helped TFA to focus on current strengths and opportunities, and served as the baseline to transition TFA’s issue wheel into “Vision Snapshots”.
“Our membership is growing and as someone who’s been active on the executive level, I would say that that’s a beautiful thing”
TFA’s members have a strong passion for the success of the city of Atlanta and the region as a whole. This passion has driven them to develop promising pilots and secure a large, multi-year
S Inquiry into Strengths O Imagine the Opportunities A Innovate to meet Aspirations R Inspire to achieve Results
grant. TFA’s clarity around race and racism has also been a strength, which has propelled membership growth. By using the diversity of TFA’s membership, leveraging collective resources, and building community trust TFA is building strategies to alleviate racism and bring about a “New Atlanta Way”. TFA is not afraid to embrace the complexity of systems change.
Opportunities TFA can leverage for its ongoing success and sustainability include: a multi-issue platform that aligns with recent initiatives at the regional and city level; new hires at the City of Atlanta for housing, transportation, sustainability, and parks & recreation; expanded membership to enrich problem solving approach; ongoing recognition that Atlanta’s success as a region depends on systemic change around race.
TFA aspires to create an Atlanta in which a person’s racial identity no longer predicts their success and opportunity in life. TFA aspires to support & create leaders who are grounded in personal awareness and transformation. TFA aspires to contribute to the creation of Beloved Community wherever they are in the world.
Results are tangible outcomes and measures that demonstrate that you have achieved your goals and aspirations. The outcomes listed here can be tracked as key performance indicators (KPIs) or on a scorecard (see appendix E) to help TFA monitor success. • Reduce community member displacement. • Improve health outcomes by addressing social determinants of health. • The use of data tools will inform policy changes. • TFA’s equity evaluator tool will be utilized by policymakers and financing partners. • TFA has residents on the executive committee. • TFA funding is doubled. • Art and culture strategies are fully incorporated into TFA’s programs.
The outputs from the needs assessment greatly informed the design of the strategic planning process and each strength, opportunity, aspiration, and result are reflected in the strategic articulation map and strategic priorities.
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